AbortController and AbortSignal
Widely available since 2021-09-25
The AbortController
and AbortSignal
APIs allow you to cancel an ongoing operation, such as a fetch()
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support (view on caniuse.com)
- Chrome 66 Released on 2018-04-17
- Chrome Android 66 Released on 2018-04-17
- Edge 16 Released on 2017-10-17
- Firefox 57 Released on 2017-11-14
- Firefox for Android 57 Released on 2017-11-28
- Safari 12.1 Released on 2019-03-25
- Safari on iOS 12.2 Released on 2019-03-25
- DOM Standard (#aborting-ongoing-activities), from DOM Workstream (WHATWG).