Newly available since 2024-09-16
The optional willReadFrequently
parameter of a canvas's getContext()
method permits the browser to optimize for frequent getImageData()
calls by avoiding hardware acceleration. Also known as multiple readback.
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 99 Released on 2022-03-01
- Chrome Android 99 Released on 2022-03-01
- Edge 99 Released on 2022-03-03
- Firefox 28 Released on 2014-03-18
- Firefox for Android 28 Released on 2014-03-18
- Safari 18 Released on 2024-09-16
- Safari on iOS 18 Released on 2024-09-16
- HTML (#concept-canvas-will-read-frequently), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).
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