Widely available since 2024-06-07
The contenteditable
global HTML attribute allows the user to edit the content of an element, such as inserting or deleting text.
Learning resources on MDN
- HTMLElement: contentEditable property
- HTMLElement: inputMode property
- HTMLElement: isContentEditable property
- contenteditable
Browser support (view on
- Chrome 66 Released on 2018-04-17
- Chrome Android 66 Released on 2018-04-17
- Edge 79 Released on 2020-01-15
- Firefox 95 Released on 2021-12-07
- Firefox for Android 79 Released on 2020-07-28
- Safari 12.1 Released on 2019-03-25
- Safari on iOS 12.2 Released on 2019-03-25
- HTML Standard (#contenteditable), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).