Mutually exclusive <details> elements
Newly available since 2024-09-03
Multiple <details>
elements which use the same name
attribute are mutually exclusive. When one member of the group is opened, all other members are closed.
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 120 Released on 2023-12-05
- Chrome Android 120 Released on 2023-12-05
- Edge 120 Released on 2023-12-07
- Firefox 130 Released on 2024-09-03
- Firefox for Android 130 Released on 2024-09-03
- Safari 17.2 Released on 2023-12-11
- Safari on iOS 17.2 Released on 2023-12-11
- State of HTML 2024: reading_list/reading_list question
- State of HTML 2024: interactivity/interactivity_features question
- State of HTML 2024: features/all_features question
- State of HTML 2023: usage/html_functionality_features question
- State of HTML 2023: reading_list/reading_list question
- State of HTML 2023: interactivity/interactivity_features question
- State of HTML 2023: features/all_features question
- HTML (#attr-details-name), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).
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