Drag and Drop
Widely available since 2018-01-29
The Drag and Drop API lets users drag and drop elements and external files such as images onto web pages. Developers can customize which elements can become draggable, the type of feedback the draggable elements produce, and the droppable elements.
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support (view on caniuse.com)
- Chrome 3 Released on 2009-09-15
- Chrome Android 18 Released on 2012-06-27
- Edge 12 Released on 2015-07-29
- Firefox 3.5 Released on 2009-06-30
- Firefox for Android 4 Released on 2011-03-29
- Safari 4 Released on 2009-06-08
- Safari on iOS 3.2 Released on 2010-04-03
- HTML (#dnd), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).
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