Widely available
The History API manipulates the browser session history, from navigations to state management, in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in. To learn more, see History, History: back() method, History: forward() method, History: go() method, History: length property, History: pushState() method, History: replaceState() method, History: scrollRestoration property, History: state property at MDN.
Compatibility (view on caniuse.com)
- Chrome 5 Released on 2010-05-25
- Chrome Android 18 Released on 2012-06-27
- Edge 12 Released on 2015-07-29
- Firefox 4 Released on 2011-03-22
- Firefox for Android 4 Released on 2011-03-29
- Safari 5 Released on 2010-06-07
- Safari on iOS 4 Released on 2010-06-21
- HTML Standard (#the-history-interface), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).