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The <input type="text"> HTML element allows the user to input information into a form. By default, an <input> element is a text input. To learn more, see HTMLInputElement, HTMLInputElement: accept property, HTMLInputElement: alt property, HTMLInputElement: autocomplete property, HTMLInputElement: cancel event, HTMLInputElement: checked property, HTMLInputElement: defaultValue property, HTMLInputElement: disabled property, HTMLInputElement: form property, HTMLInputElement: formAction property, HTMLInputElement: formEnctype property, HTMLInputElement: formMethod property, HTMLInputElement: formNoValidate property, HTMLInputElement: formTarget property, HTMLInputElement: height property, HTMLInputElement: invalid event, HTMLInputElement: labels property, HTMLInputElement: list property, HTMLInputElement: maxLength property, HTMLInputElement: minLength property, HTMLInputElement: multiple property, HTMLInputElement: name property, HTMLInputElement: pattern property, HTMLInputElement: placeholder property, HTMLInputElement: readOnly property, HTMLInputElement: required property, HTMLInputElement: select() method, HTMLInputElement: select event, HTMLInputElement: selectionDirection property, HTMLInputElement: selectionEnd property, HTMLInputElement: selectionStart property, HTMLInputElement: setRangeText() method, HTMLInputElement: setSelectionRange() method, HTMLInputElement: size property, HTMLInputElement: type property, HTMLInputElement: value property, HTMLInputElement: width property, <input>: The HTML Input element, HTML attribute: accept, HTML attribute: pattern, <input type="text"> at MDN.

