Widely available since 2020-10-12
The isSecureContext
global property is a boolean for whether the current browsing context is secure. This is primarily a check that the page has been served over an HTTPS URL.
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 55 Released on 2016-12-01
- Chrome Android 55 Released on 2016-12-06
- Edge 15 Released on 2017-04-05
- Firefox 52 Released on 2017-03-07
- Firefox for Android 52 Released on 2017-03-07
- Safari 11.1 Released on 2018-04-12
- Safari on iOS 11.3 Released on 2018-03-29
- HTML (#dom-issecurecontext-dev), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).
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