Numeric separators
Widely available since 2023-01-28
To improve readability for numeric literals, underscores (_
) can be used as separators. For example, 1_050.95
is equivalent to 1050.95
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 75 Released on 2019-06-04
- Chrome Android 75 Released on 2019-06-04
- Edge 79 Released on 2020-01-15
- Firefox 70 Released on 2019-10-22
- Firefox for Android 79 Released on 2020-07-28
- Safari 13 Released on 2019-09-19
- Safari on iOS 13 Released on 2019-09-19
- ECMAScript Language Specification (#prod-NumericLiteralSeparator), from TC39 (Ecma International).