Oklab and Oklch
Newly available since 2023-05-09
The Oklab color space expresses colors in terms of lightness and how red/green and blue/yellow a color is, aiming to match how humans perceive colors. Oklch is a variant of Oklab with polar coordinates. These color spaces can be used with the CSS color()
, oklab()
, and oklch()
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 111 Released on 2023-03-07
- Chrome Android 111 Released on 2023-03-07
- Edge 111 Released on 2023-03-13
- Firefox 113 Released on 2023-05-09
- Firefox for Android 113 Released on 2023-05-09
- Safari 15.4 Released on 2022-03-14
- Safari on iOS 15.4 Released on 2022-03-14
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