Newly available since 2025-01-27
The popover
HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover()
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 116 Released on 2023-08-15
- Chrome Android 116 Released on 2023-08-15
- Edge 116 Released on 2023-08-21
- Firefox 125 Released on 2024-04-16
- Firefox for Android 125 Released on 2024-04-16
- Safari 17 Released on 2023-09-18
- Safari on iOS 18.3 Released on 2025-01-27
- State of HTML 2024: interactivity/interactivity_features question
- State of HTML 2024: features/all_features question
- State of HTML 2023: usage/html_interoperability_features question
- State of HTML 2023: usage/html_functionality_features question
- State of HTML 2023: reading_list/reading_list question
- State of HTML 2023: interactivity/interactivity_features question
- State of HTML 2023: features/all_features question
- HTML, from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).
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