Preloading responsive images
Newly available since 2023-12-11
The imagesrcset
and imagesizes
attributes with the rel="preload"
attribute for the <link>
HTML element starts fetching responsive images before they're found in the body of the document.
Browser support
- Chrome 73 Released on 2019-03-12
- Chrome Android 73 Released on 2019-03-12
- Edge 79 Released on 2020-01-15
- Firefox 78 Released on 2020-06-30
- Firefox for Android 79 Released on 2020-07-28
- Safari 17.2 Released on 2023-12-11
- Safari on iOS 17.2 Released on 2023-12-11
- HTML Standard (#attr-link-imagesrcset), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).