requestAnimationFrame() in workers
Newly available since 2023-03-27
The requestAnimationFrame()
method in workers schedules a function that runs before the next repaint. Together with offscreen canvas, you can animate content from a worker.
Learning resources on MDN
- DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope: cancelAnimationFrame() method
- DedicatedWorkerGlobalScope: requestAnimationFrame() method
Browser support
- Chrome 69 Released on 2018-09-04
- Chrome Android 69 Released on 2018-09-04
- Edge 79 Released on 2020-01-15
- Firefox 99 Released on 2022-04-05
- Firefox for Android 99 Released on 2022-04-05
- Safari 16.4 Released on 2023-03-27
- Safari on iOS 16.4 Released on 2023-03-27
- HTML Standard (#animation-frames), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).