SVG 1.1 (discouraged)
This feature is discouraged. Consider using SVG , @font-face instead. For the rationale, see:
The SVG 1.1 image format has several components that were excluded from SVG 2, such as fonts, alternate glyphs, and the xlink
Learning resources on MDN
- SVGFontElement
- SVGFontFaceElement
- SVGFontFaceFormatElement
- SVGFontFaceNameElement
- SVGFontFaceSrcElement
- SVGFontFaceUriElement
- SVGGlyphElement
- SVGGlyphRefElement
- SVGHKernElement
- SVGMissingGlyphElement
- SVGPoint
- SVGRenderingIntent
- SVGStyleElement: type property
- SVGVKernElement
- xlink:href
- xlink:show
- <font>
- <font-face>
- <font-face-format>
- string
- <font-face-name>
- <font-face-src>
- <font-face-uri>
- accent-height
- alphabetic
- ascent
- bbox
- cap-height
- descent
- hanging
- ideographic
- mathematical
- panose-1
- stemh
- stemv
- unicode-range
- units-per-em
- v-alphabetic
- v-hanging
- v-ideographic
- v-mathematical
- widths
- x-height
- horiz-adv-x
- horiz-origin-x
- horiz-origin-y
- vert-adv-y
- vert-origin-x
- vert-origin-y
- <glyph>
- arabic-form
- glyph-name
- orientation
- unicode
- <glyphRef>
- <hkern>
- g1
- g2
- k
- u1
- u2
- <missing-glyph>
- version
- <vkern>
- clip
- glyph-orientation-horizontal
- glyph-orientation-vertical
- xml:lang
- xml:space
Browser support
- Chrome ❌
- Chrome Android ❌
- Edge ❌
- Firefox ❌
- Firefox for Android ❌
- Safari ❌
- Safari on iOS ❌