Widely available since 2018-01-29
The title
global HTML attribute sets information about an element, such as a name or description. The value is typically shown as a tooltip that appears on mouse over. Since it's not often available to touch-only, keyboard-only, or assistive technology users, it's not a substitute for other text.
Learning resources on MDN
Browser support
- Chrome 1 Released on 2008-12-11
- Chrome Android 18 Released on 2012-06-27
- Edge 12 Released on 2015-07-29
- Firefox 1 Released on 2004-11-09
- Firefox for Android 4 Released on 2011-03-29
- Safari ≤4 Released before 2009-06-08
- Safari on iOS ≤3.2 Released before 2010-04-03
- HTML Standard (#attr-title), from HTML Workstream (WHATWG).