Exception handling (WebAssembly)
Widely available since 2024-11-03
Exceptions break the normal control flow of execution to represent exceptional behavior, such as an error. You can respond to the exception in JavaScript code.
Learning resources on MDN
- WebAssembly.Exception
- WebAssembly.Exception constructor
- WebAssembly.Exception.prototype.getArg()
- WebAssembly.Exception.prototype.is()
- WebAssembly.Exception.prototype.stack
- WebAssembly.Tag
- WebAssembly.Tag() constructor
- WebAssembly.Tag.prototype.type()
Browser support
- Chrome 95 Released on 2021-10-19
- Chrome Android 95 Released on 2021-10-19
- Edge 95 Released on 2021-10-21
- Firefox 100 Released on 2022-05-03
- Firefox for Android 100 Released on 2022-05-03
- Safari 15.2 Released on 2021-12-13
- Safari on iOS 15.2 Released on 2021-12-13
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