All release notes
- Array findLast() and findLastIndex()
- Atomics.pause()
- Attribution reporting
- Container scroll-state queries
- Individual transform properties
- JSON source text access
- moveBefore()
- popover="hint"
- scroll-initial-target
- text-box
- and more ...
- Style containment
- Device posture
- Element capture
- File system access
- Popover
- Promise.try()
- RegExp.escape()
- Memory64 (WebAssembly)
- String builtins (WebAssembly)
- background-clip: border-area
- Cross-document view transitions
- Float16Array
- line-clamp
- Page setup
- Promise.try()
- RegExp.escape()
- ruby-align
- ruby-overhang
- ruby-position
- and more ...
- ::details-content
- dynamic-range media query
- font-variant-emoji
- prefers-contrast media query
- Uint8Array base64 and hex conversion
- Exception handling (WebAssembly)
- Hand input
- box-decoration-break
- Document picture-in-picture
- Fetch priority
- Intl.Locale info
- Iterator methods
- requestVideoFrameCallback()
- Scroll to text fragment
- ::target-text
- text-wrap-mode
- and more ...
- appearance
- Array at()
- ::backdrop
- backdrop-filter
- background-attachment
- BroadcastChannel
- calc-size()
- willReadFrequently
- Cascade layers
- contain
- and more ...
- color-scheme
- document.caretPositionFromPoint()
- Float16Array
- Promise.try()
- ruby-align
- transition-behavior
- WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc WebGL extension
- Alt text for generated content
- font-size-adjust
- font-synthesis
- getHTML()
- Unsanitized HTML parsing methods
- Registered custom properties
- Relative colors
- Resizable buffers
- Speculation rules
- Async clipboard
- ClipboardItem.supports()
- CloseWatcher
- Cross-document view transitions
- Gradient interpolation
- inputmode
- <link rel="dns-prefetch">
- Set methods
- SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics
- Shared storage
- and more ...
- Active view transition
- Anchor positioning
- Back/forward cache blocking reasons
- CPU compute pressure
- Enterkeyhint
- fit-content
- getHTML()
- light-dark()
- Non-cookie storage access
- Relative colors
- and more ...
- align-content in block layouts
- Asynchronously iterable streams
- contextlost and contextrestored
- SVG clipboard items
- context-fill and context-stroke
- image-rendering
- Inert elements
- Intl.Segmenter
- <link rel="expect">
- Navigation timing
- and more ...
- AbortSignal.any()
- align-content in block layouts
- Alt text for generated content
- Application shortcuts
- Array grouping
- aspect-ratio
- BigInt64Array
- checkVisibility()
- CSS import attributes
- display-mode media query
- and more ...
- Read unsanitized clipboard data
- Declarative shadow DOM
- Iterator methods
- Set methods
- Storage buckets
- tab-size
- Visual viewport API
- Array.fromAsync()
- ClipboardItem.supports()
- EditContext
- font-palette animation
- Largest contentful paint (LCP)
- page-orientation
- Remote playback
- scrollbar-color
- scrollbar-width
- and more ...
- background-clip: text
- Canvas reset()
- cap unit
- counter-set
- createImageBitmap
- Mutually exclusive <details> elements
- :dir()
- pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp()
- <fencedframe>
- Fetch priority
- and more ...
- Clip path boxes
- Global privacy control
- Inert elements
- lh unit
- light-dark()
- prefers-reduced-transparency media query
- Promise.withResolvers()
- rlh unit
- User activation
- :user-valid and :user-invalid
- and more ...
- ARIA attribute reflection
- Array grouping
- AudioWorklet
- cap unit
- Clip path boxes
- ::file-selector-button
- Flexbox gap
- Date and time <input> types
- Intl.DisplayNames
- Intl.ListFormat
- and more ...
- abs() and sign()
- Array grouping
- Badging
- Clearing site data
- Selection composed ranges
- contain-intrinsic-size
- @counter-style
- Device orientation events
- display animation
- pow(), sqrt(), hypot(), log(), and exp()
- and more ...
- AbortSignal.any()
- dirname
- Federated credential management
- Nesting
- Popover
- ReadableStream.from()
- WebRTC encoded transform
- animation-composition
- Array by copy
- Array.fromAsync()
- baseline-source
- clip-path
- :is()
- <link rel="preload">
- <link rel="modulepreload">
- :not()
- Page visibility state
- and more ...
- calc() keywords
- Idle detection
- JavaScript modules in shared workers
- JavaScript modules in workers
- JSON source text access
- overflow: overlay
- Partitioned cookies
- window.print()
- scrollend
- text-wrap
- and more ...
- Canvas reset()
- color()
- color-mix()
- Compression streams
- Conic gradients
- image-set()
- JSON source text access
- Lab and LCH
- linear() easing
- :nth-child() of <selector>
- and more ...
- animation-composition
- Canvas createConicGradient()
- Canvas roundRect()
- linear() easing
- overflow: overlay
- Extended constant expressions (WebAssembly)
- Multi-value (WebAssembly)
- Tail call optimization (WebAssembly)
- ARIA attribute reflection
- Array.fromAsync()
- Atomics.waitAsync
- Audio session
- Autocapitalize
- Badging
- baseline-source
- BigInt
- Canvas createConicGradient()
- Canvas roundRect()
- and more ...
- Array by copy
- Asynchronously iterable streams
- :autofill
- calc() keywords
- color-gamut media query
- Container queries
- <datalist>
- Credentialless iframes
- initial-letter
- String replaceAll()
- column-span
- Math font family
- Hyphenate limit chars
- lh unit
- line-break
- MathML
- min(), max(), and clamp()
- Numeric separators
- Origin private file system
- Pointer Events
- and more ...
- color-mix()
- content-visibility
- Gradient interpolation
- Import maps
- Origin private file system
- sin(), cos(), tan(), asin(), acos(), atan(), and atan2() (CSS)
- Small, large, and dynamic viewport units
- Web MIDI
- OES_draw_buffers_indexed WebGL extension
- COLRv1
- contain-intrinsic-size
- content-visibility
- font-palette
- Origin private file system
- Small, large, and dynamic viewport units
- checkVisibility()
- Grid animation
- Hyphenate character
- ic unit
- image-orientation
- Scroll to text fragment
- WebDriver BiDi
- Raw camera access for WebXR
- animation-composition
- Array by copy
- blocking="render"
- calc() keywords
- checkVisibility()
- Inline-size containment
- Container queries
- display: table
- dominant-baseline
- and more ...
- Array findLast() and findLastIndex()
- Custom formats for clipboard items
- EXT_sRGB WebGL extension
- Individual transform properties
- Media playback quality
- Media query range syntax
- object-view-box
- Region capture
- Color management for WebGL
- Color management for WebGL2
- all
- Array flat() and flatMap()
- Async generators
- Async iterators and the for await..of loop
- Autonomous custom elements
- backdrop-filter
- background-blend-mode
- <bdi>
- captureStream() for <canvas>
- caret-color
- and more ...
- ARIA attribute reflection
- Fetch priority
- Local fonts
- Media query range syntax
- Readable byte streams
- Streams
- Update frequency media query
- WebDriver BiDi
- File handlers
- Column breaks
- Constructed stylesheets
- Inline-size containment
- dynamic-range media query
- hidden="until-found"
- Navigation API
- prefers-contrast media query
- preservesPitch
- showPicker() for <input>
- and more ...
- Digital goods
- font-palette
- pdfViewerEnabled
- requestAnimationFrame() in workers
- OES_draw_buffers_indexed WebGL extension
- abs() and sign()
- appearance
- Array at()
- Array findLast() and findLastIndex()
- ::backdrop
- background-attachment
- BroadcastChannel
- willReadFrequently
- contextlost and contextrestored
- Canvas createConicGradient()
- and more ...
- cap unit
- Cascade layers
- color-scheme
- COLRv1
- dynamic-range media query
- ic unit
- Print color adjust
- scrollbar-gutter
- structuredClone()
- Array findLast() and findLastIndex()
- color-scheme
- Reversed counter-reset
- font-synthesis
- font-synthesis-small-caps
- font-synthesis-style
- font-synthesis-weight
- Locks
- WebTransport
- Color management for 2D canvas
- Cursor styles
- inputmode
- Page setup
- SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics
- Exception handling (WebAssembly)
- Threads and atomics (WebAssembly)
- Protocol handlers
- Application shortcuts
- Enterkeyhint
- Eyedropper
- fit-content
- prefers-contrast media query
- Reporting API
- structuredClone()
- Reference types (WebAssembly)
- image-rendering
- Navigation timing
- smooth
- URLPattern
- Bulk memory operations (WebAssembly)
- Exception handling (WebAssembly)
- Non-trapping float-to-int conversion (WebAssembly)
- Reference types (WebAssembly)
- Abortable fetch
- AbortController and AbortSignal
- accent-color
- aspect-ratio
- :autofill
- BigInt64Array
- Desynchronized 2D canvas
- color()
- Encrypted media extensions
- Error cause
- and more ...
- accent-color
- Error cause
- EXT_texture_compression_bptc WebGL extension
- EXT_texture_compression_rgtc WebGL extension
- OVR_multiview2 WebGL extension
- tab-size
- Visual viewport API
- WebOTP
- Array at()
- Color management for 2D canvas
- EXT_texture_compression_bptc WebGL extension
- Fetch metadata request headers
- <meta name="theme-color">
- Page breaks
- String at()
- aspect-ratio
- Constraint validation API
- Event timing
- Font metric overrides
- Forced colors
- image-set()
- Interaction media queries
- Top-level await
- Fixed-width SIMD (WebAssembly)
- Accelerometer
- @counter-style
- JavaScript modules in service workers
- Fixed-width SIMD (WebAssembly)
- AudioWorklet
- EXT_float_blend WebGL extension
- EXT_texture_compression_rgtc WebGL extension
- ::file-selector-button
- Flexbox gap
- HTTP/3
- Individual transform properties
- Date and time <input> types
- Intl.DisplayNames
- Intl.ListFormat
- and more ...
- Share targets
- Atomics.waitAsync
- ::file-selector-button
- font-variation-settings
- Forced colors
- Import maps
- Logical properties
- Memory measurement
- Readable byte streams
- Referrer policy
- and more ...
- :autofill
- Intl.DisplayNames
- aspect-ratio
- clip-path
- :focus-visible
- Hyphenation
- :is()
- <link rel="preload">
- :not()
- Threads and atomics (WebAssembly)
- :where()
- Array iterators
- Atomics.waitAsync
- Conic gradients
- Cookie store
- EXT_texture_norm16c WebGL extension
- Font metric overrides
- HTTP/3
- Intl.Segmenter
- JavaScript modules
- Quotes
- and more ...
- Beacons
- EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension
- ::file-selector-button
- File system access
- :focus-visible
- :is()
- isSecureContext
- ::marker
- Media session
- OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension
- and more ...
- background-clip: text
- BigInt
- EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension
- Intl.Locale
- Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
- :is()
- Logical assignments
- Nullish coalescing
- overflow
- Promise.any()
- and more ...
- appearance
- counter-set
- Logical assignments
- ::marker
- Nullish coalescing
- page-orientation
- Page selectors
- Promise.any()
- Referrer policy
- and more ...
- Application shortcuts
- appearance
- AudioWorklet
- clip-path
- column-span
- contain
- Layout containment
- Paint containment
- Size containment
- Content Index
- and more ...
- Intl.ListFormat
- Preloading responsive images
- :read-only and :read-write
- String replaceAll()
- BigInt to i64 conversion (WebAssembly)
- Bulk memory operations (WebAssembly)
- Multi-value (WebAssembly)
- AudioWorklet
- Barcode detector
- contain-intrinsic-size
- EXT_texture_compression_rgtc WebGL extension
- Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
- line-break
- requestVideoFrameCallback()
- Spellcheck
- Trusted types
- DOM overlays for WebXR
- Badging
- Desynchronized 2D canvas
- <data>
- Grid
- image-orientation
- Intl.DisplayNames
- Intl.Locale
- min(), max(), and clamp()
- <time>
- Viewport units
- and more ...
- Async clipboard
- Brotli compression
- clip-path
- Clip path boxes
- display: table
- dominant-baseline
- dynamic-range media query
- Enterkeyhint
- UI fonts
- font-optical-sizing
- and more ...
- Compression streams
- Contact picker
- EXT_sRGB WebGL extension
- Fetch metadata request headers
- JavaScript modules in shared workers
- JavaScript modules in workers
- Media playback quality
- messageerror
- OES_fbo_render_mipmap WebGL extension
- Scroll to text fragment
- and more ...
- all
- Alt text for generated content
- Array flat() and flatMap()
- Async clipboard
- Async generators
- Async iterators and the for await..of loop
- AudioWorklet
- Autocapitalize
- Autonomous custom elements
- ::backdrop
- and more ...
- clip-path
- column-span
- font-optical-sizing
- min(), max(), and clamp()
- OES_fbo_render_mipmap WebGL extension
- Promise.allSettled()
- Subgrid
- WebXR
- Gamepad (WebXR)
- Async functions
- Composition events
- Custom properties
- font-feature-settings
- Numeric separators
- Outlines
- Quotes
- String padStart() and padEnd()
- Text stroke and fill (compatibility prefixes)
- text-underline-offset
- and more ...
- Alt text for generated content
- clip-path
- Clipboard events
- color-scheme
- column-fill
- contain
- Layout containment
- Paint containment
- Size containment
- Credential management
- and more ...
- Share targets
- Async clipboard
- backdrop-filter
- beforeinstallprompt
- BigInt
- BigInt64Array
- counter-set
- Event timing
- EXT_texture_compression_bptc WebGL extension
- KHR_parallel_shader_compile WebGL extension
- and more ...
- Desynchronized 2D canvas
- EXT_float_blend WebGL extension
- Numeric separators
- Bulk memory operations (WebAssembly)
- Non-trapping float-to-int conversion (WebAssembly)
- Desynchronized WebGL canvas
- Desynchronized WebGL2 canvas
- EXT_float_blend WebGL extension
- Hashbang comments
- prefers-color-scheme media query
- revert
- String matchAll()
- word-break: break-word
- Background fetch
- Hashbang comments
- Intersection observer visibility tracking
- Intl.Locale
- prefers-reduced-motion media query
- Threads and atomics (WebAssembly)
- Abortable fetch
- AbortController and AbortSignal
- Array copyWithin()
- Array fill()
- Array find() and findIndex()
- Array.from()
- Array includes()
- Array.of()
- background-repeat
- Base64 encoding and decoding
- and more ...
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension
- crisp-edges
- globalThis
- Intl.ListFormat
- messageerror
- Page breaks
- Safe area inset environment variables
- Screen capture
- steps() easing
- Storage access
- User activation
- and more ...
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- Constraint validation API
- EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension
- Fullscreen API
- globalThis
- Interaction media queries
- Intl.RelativeTimeFormat
- prefers-reduced-motion media query
- scrollbar-color
- scrollbar-width
- and more ...
- Autonomous custom elements
- Clearing site data
- Constraint validation API
- Customized built-in elements
- download
- Flexbox gap
- Host
- Intl.PluralRules
- Media capabilities
- <meter>
- and more ...
- Array flat() and flatMap()
- Async generators
- Async iterators and the for await..of loop
- Classes
- Conic gradients
- <datalist>
- DOMParser
- font-optical-sizing
- font-variation-settings
- Keyboard map
- and more ...
- Cursor styles
- Gamepad haptic feedback
- Keyboard lock
- Page lifecycle
- resolution media query
- SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics
- Server timing
- String trimStart() and trimEnd()
- Array iterators
- BigInt
- BigInt64Array
- Credential management
- Customized built-in elements
- Gyroscope
- initial
- JavaScript modules
- Network Information
- Orientation Sensor
- and more ...
- Abortable fetch
- AbortController and AbortSignal
- Array iterators
- AudioWorklet
- Autocapitalize
- Beacons
- caret-color
- COLRv0
- CSS typed object model
- Destructuring
- and more ...
- Animations (CSS)
- Beacons
- caret-color
- Channel messaging
- COLRv0
- CSS object model
- Destructuring
- Device memory
- document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint()
- Fetch request streams
- and more ...
- <a>
- <abbr>
- Absolute positioning
- Accesskey
- <address>
- Alerts
- Array (initial support)
- Array.isArray()
- Array iteration methods
- Array splice()
- and more ...
- Async generators
- Async iterators and the for await..of loop
- EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension
- font-variant-east-asian
- Intl.PluralRules
- overscroll-behavior
- Print events
- Promise finally()
- Q unit
- WEBGL_color_buffer_float WebGL extension
- and more ...
- Abortable fetch
- AbortController and AbortSignal
- Async iterators and the for await..of loop
- Date and time <input> types
- Spellcheck
- Storage manager
- Abortable fetch
- AbortController and AbortSignal
- captureStream() for <audio> and <video>
- <data>
- font-variation-settings
- Grid
- Intersection observer
- JavaScript modules
- Sticky positioning
- Template literals
- and more ...
- Brotli compression
- captureStream() for <canvas>
- CSS.supports()
- Cursor styles
- Document colors
- document.write()
- DOM Geometry
- fit-content
- System font
- font-stretch
- and more ...
- Async generators
- Credential management
- CSS.supports()
- Destructuring
- :focus-within
- font-display
- font-stretch
- Gamepad touch buttons
- Gamepad VR hands and poses
- Intersection observer
- and more ...
- Credential management
- Destructuring
- :focus-within
- font-display
- font-stretch
- Paint timing
- Password credentials
- Payment request
- Spread syntax
- WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb WebGL extension
- and more ...
- background-blend-mode
- createImageBitmap
- shapes
- Async functions
- Brotli compression
- caret-color
- color-gamut media query
- Composition events
- controlslist
- Custom properties
- display: flow-root
- font-feature-settings
- Gamepad touch buttons
- and more ...
- Async functions
- Autocapitalize
- Autonomous custom elements
- caret-color
- Clipboard events
- column-fill
- Constraint validation API
- CSS.escape()
- download
- Exponentiation operator
- and more ...
- Border images
- EXT_color_buffer_float WebGL extension
- System font
- overflow-anchor
- PerformanceTiming and PerformanceNavigation
- Remote playback
- Sticky positioning
- Web Bluetooth
- WebRTC
- Border images
- Constraint validation API
- EXT_color_buffer_float WebGL extension
- System font
- :indeterminate
- IndexedDB
- overflow-anchor
- PerformanceTiming and PerformanceNavigation
- ::placeholder
- :placeholder-shown
- and more ...
- Async functions
- Animatable clipping paths
- Hyphenation
- isSecureContext
- Motion path
- Pointer Events
- Border images
- Layout direction override
- Link selectors
- Pointer lock
- Autonomous custom elements
- BroadcastChannel
- Host
- host-context
- Resource size
- text-size-adjust
- user-select
- Array copyWithin()
- Array fill()
- Array find() and findIndex()
- Array.from()
- Array includes()
- Array iterators
- Array.of()
- background-repeat
- Base64 encoding and decoding
- Animatable clipping paths
- and more ...
- Array includes()
- Array iterators
- Beacons
- COLRv0
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- <data>
- Exponentiation operator
- Fetch
- filter
- @font-face
- and more ...
- contain
- Layout containment
- Paint containment
- Size containment
- Style containment
- Exponentiation operator
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-numeric
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- ::backdrop
- Brotli compression
- captureStream() for <canvas>
- Case-insensitive attribute selector
- contenteditable="plaintext-only"
- EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension
- EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension
- EXT_frag_depth WebGL extension
- EXT_shader_texture_lod WebGL extension
- and more ...
- captureStream() for <canvas>
- contenteditable="plaintext-only"
- Federated credentials
- Brotli compression
- column-fill
- column-span
- document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint()
- <link rel="preload">
- Multi-column layout
- Page breaks
- Permissions
- Push messages
- text-emphasis
- all
- Background sync
- Border images
- Case-insensitive attribute selector
- Classes
- cross-fade()
- Custom properties
- DOMParser
- EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension
- filter
- and more ...
- Brotli compression
- font-feature-settings
- Layout direction override
- Let and const
- Push messages
- Service workers
- text-combine-upright
- text-orientation
- WebRTC statistics
- writing-mode
- and more ...
- Array includes()
- captureStream() for <canvas>
- Hyphenation
- :placeholder-shown
- Presentation API
- requestIdleCallback()
- Screen orientation
- Spellcheck
- text-align-last
- WEBGL_compressed_texture_astc WebGL extension
- and more ...
- Classes
- Encrypted media extensions
- Generators
- initial
- Media playback quality
- Media source
- <picture>
- Pointer lock
- :read-only and :read-write
- srcset and sizes
- and more ...
- CSS.escape()
- fit-content
- <link rel="dns-prefetch">
- <link rel="preconnect">
- min-content and max-content
- Animations (CSS)
- Array copyWithin()
- Array fill()
- Array find() and findIndex()
- Array.from()
- Array.of()
- Case-insensitive attribute selector
- Channel messaging
- Classes
- column-fill
- and more ...
- String includes()
- Unicode point escapes
- <a>
- <abbr>
- Absolute positioning
- Accesskey
- Accessor methods
- <address>
- Alerts
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- Animations (CSS)
- arguments.callee
- and more ...
- Animations (CSS)
- Array.from()
- Array.of()
- BroadcastChannel
- display: ruby
- document.elementFromPoint() and document.elementsFromPoint()
- Encrypted media extensions
- <picture>
- <ruby>
- ruby-align
- and more ...
- Beacons
- Classes
- Encrypted media extensions
- Fetch
- Notifications from service workers and installed apps
- tab-size
- Array fill()
- Array find() and findIndex()
- Clipboard events
- HTTP/2
- image-rendering
- Interaction media queries
- isolation
- mix-blend-mode
- String codePointAt() and fromCodePoint()
- String includes()
- and more ...
- EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension
- HTTP/2
- isolation
- Media capture
- object-fit
- object-position
- scroll-behavior
- Scroll methods on elements
- scrollIntoView()
- Symbol
- and more ...
- Constraint validation API
- EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension
- EXT_sRGB WebGL extension
- filter
- mask-type
- Resource timing (initial support)
- Array copyWithin()
- font-feature-settings
- font-language-override
- font-synthesis
- font-variant-alternates
- font-variant-caps
- font-variant-east-asian
- font-variant-ligatures
- font-variant-numeric
- String raw()
- and more ...
- Beacons
- Generators
- :indeterminate
- Screen orientation
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- Audio and video tracks
- background-blend-mode
- background-repeat
- Battery status
- @counter-style
- DOM Geometry
- EXT_blend_minmax WebGL extension
- EXT_frag_depth WebGL extension
- EXT_shader_texture_lod WebGL extension
- and more ...
- all
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- Audio and video tracks
- ::backdrop
- background-blend-mode
- background-repeat
- box-decoration-break
- <dialog>
- EXT_shader_texture_lod WebGL extension
- fastSeek()
- and more ...
- all
- ::backdrop
- <dialog>
- hardwareConcurrency
- Pointer lock
- shape-outside
- shapes
- Beacons
- COLRv0
- CSS.escape()
- Custom properties
- fastSeek()
- @font-face
- String normalize()
- String repeat()
- String startsWith() and endsWith()
- Text tracks
- and more ...
- background-blend-mode
- 2D canvas opacity
- OES_texture_half_float_linear WebGL extension
- WEBGL_color_buffer_float WebGL extension
- WEBGL_compressed_texture_etc1 WebGL extension
- background-blend-mode
- Font loading
- Gamepad
- OfflineAudioContext
- Web Audio
- box-sizing
- EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic WebGL extension
- font-variant-ligatures
- Gamepad
- <input type="color">
- <input type="number">
- Intl
- OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension
- Promise (initial support)
- String codePointAt() and fromCodePoint()
- and more ...
- willReadFrequently
- EXT_sRGB WebGL extension
- File API
- WEBGL_draw_buffers WebGL extension
- all
- Cursor styles
- font-kerning
- Page visibility
- Speech synthesis
- text-underline-position
- unset
- WEBGL_debug_renderer_info WebGL extension
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- 2D canvas opacity
- object-fit
- object-position
- Promise (initial support)
- Vibration
- Generators
- image-orientation
- Device orientation events
- DOMParser
- Media source
- Wheel events
- ANGLE_instanced_arrays WebGL extension
- background-attachment
- background-position
- background-repeat
- Base64 encoding and decoding
- calc()
- ch unit
- Composition events
- Counters (CSS)
- crisp-edges
- and more ...
- background-position
- calc()
- ch unit
- Composition events
- crisp-edges
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- Focus events
- Gradients
- HTTP Strict Transport Security
- Iterators and the for...of loop
- and more ...
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- document.caretPositionFromPoint()
- Flexbox
- <input type="range">
- OES_texture_float_linear WebGL extension
- OES_texture_half_float_linear WebGL extension
- requestAnimationFrame()
- Resource timing (initial support)
- calc()
- CSS object model
- @supports
- WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc WebGL extension
- background-clip
- background-origin
- Clipboard events
- CSS object model
- <data>
- Notifications
- Notifications from service workers and installed apps
- @supports
- <template>
- <time>
- and more ...
- ch unit
- <main>
- OES_texture_half_float WebGL extension
- :scope (pseudo-class)
- Web Cryptography
- Composition events
- download
- Flexbox
- Gradients
- <main>
- MutationObserver
- <template>
- Transitions (CSS)
- Viewport units
- WEBGL_depth_texture WebGL extension
- and more ...
- calc()
- Composition events
- Gradients
- <main>
- MutationObserver
- <template>
- Transitions (CSS)
- Viewport units
- WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc WebGL extension
- WEBGL_depth_texture WebGL extension
- and more ...
- background-clip
- background-origin
- background-position
- background-size
- Content Security Policy (CSP)
- HTML media capture
- srcdoc
- initial
- <input type="color">
- Date and time <input> types
- and more ...
- background-size
- devicePixelRatio
- Intl
- mask-type
- OES_element_index_uint WebGL extension
- OES_vertex_array_object WebGL extension
- Page visibility
- Proxy and Reflect
- requestAnimationFrame()
- Sandboxed iframes
- overflow-wrap
- String startsWith() and endsWith()
- Text tracks
- Time-relative pseudo-selectors
- WebVTT
- WebVTT cue settings
- Wheel events
- Animations (CSS)
- calc()
- 2D transforms
- 3D transforms
- Transitions (CSS)
- Accesskey
- <bdi>
- box-sizing
- cubic-bezier() easing
- <details>
- <dfn>
- dirname
- hashchange
- srcdoc
- ping
- and more ...
- Accesskey
- background-clip
- background-origin
- background-size
- <bdi>
- cubic-bezier() easing
- <details>
- <dfn>
- dirname
- hashchange
- and more ...
- <a>
- <abbr>
- Absolute positioning
- Accesskey
- Accessor methods
- <address>
- Alerts
- arguments.callee
- Array (initial support)
- Array.isArray()
- and more ...
- SMIL SVG animations
- translate attribute
- hashchange
- Min and max width and height
- Sourcemap header
- WebSockets
- <bdi>
- <bdo>
- OES_standard_derivatives WebGL extension
- background-size
- <bdi>
- cubic-bezier() easing
- Custom ellipses
- font-stretch
- hashchange
- Array.isArray()
- background-clip
- box-shadow
- Dataset
- :default
- <dfn>
- <figure> and <figcaption>
- Form validity pseudo-classes
- getComputedStyle()
- Date and time <input> types
- and more ...
- download
- Performance
- Text overflow
- Dataset
- Device orientation events
- Input events
- Keyboard events
- localStorage and sessionStorage
- matchMedia
- OES_texture_float WebGL extension
- Print events
- <progress>
- registerProtocolHandler
- and more ...
- background-clip
- background-origin
- background-size
- box-shadow
- box-sizing
- Dataset
- <figure> and <figcaption>
- getComputedStyle()
- <input type="number">
- <mark>
- and more ...
- Accesskey
- <details>
- ping
- resize (CSS property)
- getComputedStyle()
- Selection
- Web Cryptography
- <a>
- <abbr>
- Absolute positioning
- Accessor methods
- <address>
- Alerts
- Alternative style sheets
- arguments.callee
- Array (initial support)
- Array.isArray()
- and more ...
- window.external
- matchMedia
- Spellcheck
- WebGL
- WebP
- <figure> and <figcaption>
- <article>
- <aside>
- background-size
- border-radius
- Channel messaging
- Device orientation events
- <header> and <footer>
- <hgroup>
- JavaScript (initial core language support)
- <link rel="dns-prefetch">
- and more ...
- Dataset
- <input type="number">
- <mark>
- Typed arrays (initial support)
- <meter>
- Performance
- <progress>
- Server-sent events
- Array.isArray()
- <article>
- <aside>
- background-origin
- border-radius
- Channel messaging
- @charset
- :default
- Form validity pseudo-classes
- Geolocation
- and more ...
- <article>
- <aside>
- Geolocation
- <header> and <footer>
- <hgroup>
- History
- Sandboxed iframes
- Email, telephone, and URL <input> types
- JavaScript (initial core language support)
- <nav>
- and more ...
- <abbr>
- Array iteration methods
- Autofocus
- ::before and ::after
- currentColor
- Drag and Drop
- localStorage and sessionStorage
- Online status
- pointer-events
- and more ...
- Array.isArray()
- background
- background-image
- border-radius
- Channel messaging
- Gradients
- HTTP Strict Transport Security
- <input type="checkbox">
- <input type="range">
- and more ...
- Array iteration methods
- <audio>
- Drag and Drop
- setInterval
- setTimeout
- <source>
- <video>
- <abbr>
- Array iteration methods
- <audio>
- Autofocus
- ::before and ::after
- Borders
- @charset
- currentColor
- Drag and Drop
- and more ...
- <abbr>
- attr() (content only)
- @charset
- Counters (CSS)
- font-weight
- <input type="file">
- Online status
- pointer-events
- postMessage
- @supports (compatibility prefix)
- and more ...
- <a>
- Absolute positioning
- Accessor methods
- <address>
- Alerts
- arguments.callee
- Array (initial support)
- Array splice()
- Autofocus
- <b>
- and more ...
- attr() (content only)
- <base>
- Change event
- :empty
- Focus events
- <form>
- Input events
- Input selectors
- :lang()
- :nth-child()
- and more ...
- Alternative style sheets
- Array iteration methods
- display: table
- ime-mode
- <input type="file">
- postMessage
- Stable array sort
- SVG filters
- z-index
- attr() (content only)
- <audio>
- :empty
- Focus events
- Input events
- <input type="range">
- Input selectors
- :lang()
- :nth-child()
- :nth-of-type() pseudo-classes
- and more ...
- Accessor methods
- BarProp
- <base>
- Beforeunload
- <body>
- <br>
- Change event
- Console
- Counters (CSS)
- Device media queries
- and more ...
- <a>
- Absolute positioning
- Accessor methods
- <address>
- Alerts
- arguments.callee
- Array (initial support)
- Array splice()
- <b>
- background
- and more ...
- Device media queries
- window.external
- registerProtocolHandler
- Spellcheck
- ::before and ::after
- <canvas>
- 2D canvas
- @charset
- currentColor
- <embed>
- Online status
- Outlines
- Page transition events
- tabindex
- background
- background-image
- <canvas>
- 2D canvas
- Min and max width and height
- opacity
- :target
- Text overflow
- User action pseudo-classes
- visibility
- and more ...
- <a>
- <abbr>
- Absolute positioning
- Accessor methods
- <address>
- Alerts
- arguments.callee
- Array (initial support)
- Array splice()
- attr() (content only)
- and more ...
- initial
- Keyboard events
- Outlines
- window.print()
- ::selection
- text-shadow
- <a>
- Absolute positioning
- <address>
- Alerts
- arguments.callee
- Array (initial support)
- Array splice()
- <b>
- background-color
- Borders
- and more ...