Web platform features explorer

📃 April 2024 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • align-content in block layouts: The align-content property vertically aligns content in block layouts, like it does in flex or grid layouts.
  • Intl.Segmenter: The Intl.Segmenter API creates a locale-aware text splitter that can separate a string into meaningful graphemes, words, or sentences.
  • transform-box: The transform-box CSS property sets the position and dimensions of the reference box relative to which an element's transformations are calculated.
  • Vertical form controls: The writing-mode CSS property orients form elements (such as radio buttons, progress bars, or select menus) vertically when the writing mode is vertical-lr or vertical-rl. The direction CSS property sets whether inputs flow from top to bottom or bottom to top.

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • image-rendering: The image-rendering CSS property sets how images are scaled, retaining smoothness for photos, or hard edges for pixel art and QR codes.
  • Navigation timing: The navigation performance entry and the PerformanceNavigationTiming API measures navigation events, such as loading time or the number of redirects.
  • Bulk memory operations (WebAssembly): Bulk memory operations, such as copy and init, mirror the efficiency of native memcpy and memmove operations.
  • Non-trapping float-to-int conversion (WebAssembly): Saturating floating-point to integer conversion operators return the maximum or minimum integer value on overflow instead of trapping.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Asynchronously iterable streams: Asynchronous iteration of a stream allows you to use for await … of loops to iterate through a stream's incoming data.
  • SVG clipboard items: The image/svg+xml data type (also known as the MIME type) for ClipboardItem objects represents SVG data written to or read from the clipboard.
  • context-fill and context-stroke: The context-fill and context-stroke CSS values are used with fill and stroke in SVG <marker> or <use> elements to match a color from where they appear.
  • Inert elements: The inert HTML attribute marks an element and its descendants as non-interactive. Inert elements don't get focus or fire click events.
  • <link rel="expect">: The rel="expect" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser to block rendering until the element that the href value references is connected to the document and fully parsed.
  • Unsanitized HTML parsing methods: The Document.parseHTMLUnsafe() static method parses HTML into a DOM tree, while the setHTMLUnsafe() method of Element and ShadowRoot parses and inserts HTML into an existing tree. No sanitization applies to these methods, so never call them with user-provided HTML strings.
  • Private network access: The Access-Control-Request-Private-Network: true and Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network: true HTTP request and response headers establish permission for websites to make requests to internal networks, such as to routers.
  • User agent client hints: The Sec-CH-UA HTTP request header and the navigator.userAgentData API expose browser and platform information used to vary responses and application logic. User agent client hints are similar to user agent strings but more privacy-preserving and safer to parse.
  • writingsuggestions: The writingsuggestions HTML attribute turns on or off a browser's writing suggestions. Writing suggestions vary by browser. For example, if turned on then a browser might show inline text completions accepted by pressing Tab.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Asynchronously iterable streams: Asynchronous iteration of a stream allows you to use for await … of loops to iterate through a stream's incoming data.
  • SVG clipboard items: The image/svg+xml data type (also known as the MIME type) for ClipboardItem objects represents SVG data written to or read from the clipboard.
  • context-fill and context-stroke: The context-fill and context-stroke CSS values are used with fill and stroke in SVG <marker> or <use> elements to match a color from where they appear.
  • Inert elements: The inert HTML attribute marks an element and its descendants as non-interactive. Inert elements don't get focus or fire click events.
  • <link rel="expect">: The rel="expect" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser to block rendering until the element that the href value references is connected to the document and fully parsed.
  • Unsanitized HTML parsing methods: The Document.parseHTMLUnsafe() static method parses HTML into a DOM tree, while the setHTMLUnsafe() method of Element and ShadowRoot parses and inserts HTML into an existing tree. No sanitization applies to these methods, so never call them with user-provided HTML strings.
  • Private network access: The Access-Control-Request-Private-Network: true and Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network: true HTTP request and response headers establish permission for websites to make requests to internal networks, such as to routers.
  • User agent client hints: The Sec-CH-UA HTTP request header and the navigator.userAgentData API expose browser and platform information used to vary responses and application logic. User agent client hints are similar to user agent strings but more privacy-preserving and safer to parse.
  • writingsuggestions: The writingsuggestions HTML attribute turns on or off a browser's writing suggestions. Writing suggestions vary by browser. For example, if turned on then a browser might show inline text completions accepted by pressing Tab.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • Asynchronously iterable streams: Asynchronous iteration of a stream allows you to use for await … of loops to iterate through a stream's incoming data.
  • SVG clipboard items: The image/svg+xml data type (also known as the MIME type) for ClipboardItem objects represents SVG data written to or read from the clipboard.
  • context-fill and context-stroke: The context-fill and context-stroke CSS values are used with fill and stroke in SVG <marker> or <use> elements to match a color from where they appear.
  • Inert elements: The inert HTML attribute marks an element and its descendants as non-interactive. Inert elements don't get focus or fire click events.
  • <link rel="expect">: The rel="expect" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser to block rendering until the element that the href value references is connected to the document and fully parsed.
  • Unsanitized HTML parsing methods: The Document.parseHTMLUnsafe() static method parses HTML into a DOM tree, while the setHTMLUnsafe() method of Element and ShadowRoot parses and inserts HTML into an existing tree. No sanitization applies to these methods, so never call them with user-provided HTML strings.
  • Private network access: The Access-Control-Request-Private-Network: true and Access-Control-Allow-Private-Network: true HTTP request and response headers establish permission for websites to make requests to internal networks, such as to routers.
  • User agent client hints: The Sec-CH-UA HTTP request header and the navigator.userAgentData API expose browser and platform information used to vary responses and application logic. User agent client hints are similar to user agent strings but more privacy-preserving and safer to parse.
  • writingsuggestions: The writingsuggestions HTML attribute turns on or off a browser's writing suggestions. Writing suggestions vary by browser. For example, if turned on then a browser might show inline text completions accepted by pressing Tab.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • contextlost and contextrestored: The contextlost event for <canvas> fires when the canvas backing storage is lost, while the contextrestored event fires when it is recreated.
  • Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method.
  • Multi-memory (WebAssembly): A single module in WebAssembly can have multiple memories.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • contextlost and contextrestored: The contextlost event for <canvas> fires when the canvas backing storage is lost, while the contextrestored event fires when it is recreated.
  • Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method.
  • Multi-memory (WebAssembly): A single module in WebAssembly can have multiple memories.