Web platform features explorer

📃 August 2011 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • registerProtocolHandler: The navigator.registerProtocolHandler() method declares a site's ability to handle an address scheme (also known as a protocol). For example, an email site can register to open mailto: URLs or a VoIP site to open tel: URLs.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using either the dataset property of HTMLElement or attributes prefixed with data-.
  • Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientation of the browser's device in physical space. Note that coordinates can differ noticeably between platforms and devices.
  • Input events: The input event fires when a form control changes or an element with the contenteditable attribute changes.
  • Keyboard events: The keydown and keyup events fire for each key press (or, with modifier keys, a combination of key presses) on a keyboard.
  • matchMedia: The window.matchMedia() method checks whether a media query applies to the document.
  • OES_texture_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds floating-point pixel types for textures.
  • Print events: An alternative to @media print queries, the beforeprint and afterprint events allow you to change the page for printing and and restore the page after printing.
  • <progress>: The <progress> element displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.
  • Server-sent events: The EventSource API creates a connection to a server and listens to a stream of events sent by the server.
  • WeakMap: A WeakMap object holds key-value pairs that do not create strong references to its keys, such that value data can be associated with a key without preventing garbage collection of the key.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using either the dataset property of HTMLElement or attributes prefixed with data-.
  • Device orientation events: The DeviceMotion and DeviceOrientation events report the movement and orientation of the browser's device in physical space. Note that coordinates can differ noticeably between platforms and devices.
  • Input events: The input event fires when a form control changes or an element with the contenteditable attribute changes.
  • Keyboard events: The keydown and keyup events fire for each key press (or, with modifier keys, a combination of key presses) on a keyboard.
  • localStorage and sessionStorage: The localStorage and sessionStorage APIs store data as key-value pairs. While localStorage persists across sessions, sessionStorage data is discarded when the page is closed.
  • matchMedia: The window.matchMedia() method checks whether a media query applies to the document.
  • OES_texture_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds floating-point pixel types for textures.
  • Print events: An alternative to @media print queries, the beforeprint and afterprint events allow you to change the page for printing and and restore the page after printing.
  • <progress>: The <progress> element displays an indicator showing the completion progress of a task, typically displayed as a progress bar.
  • Touch events: Touch events touchstart, touchmove, touchend, and touchcancel fire when users interact with a touch-sensitive surface, such as a screen or drawing tablet. These events are similar to mouse events.
  • WeakMap: A WeakMap object holds key-value pairs that do not create strong references to its keys, such that value data can be associated with a key without preventing garbage collection of the key.