Web platform features explorer

📃 August 2020 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • String replaceAll(): The replaceAll() method of strings returns a new string where all matches of a pattern (a string or regular expression) have been substituted with a replacement string.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • AVIF: AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is an image format based on the AV1 video format.
  • counter-set: The counter-set CSS property creates (and optionally sets a value for) a counter, the numbers for a series of headings or ordered list items.
  • Logical assignments: The logical AND assignment (&&=) and the logical OR assignment (||=) operators short-circuit the respective binary logical operators.
  • Nullish coalescing: The nullish coalescing (??) and nullish coalescing assignment (??=) operators return (or assign) its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.
  • page-orientation: The page-orientation CSS property sets the rotation of a page after pagination. This allows pages with the same size declaration to display with different orientations.
  • Page selectors: The :first, :left, and :right pseudo-classes select pages based on their position in sequence after pagination. They're often used with the page CSS property, to choose a print layout defined by the @page rule.
  • Promise.any(): The Promise.any() static method returns a promise that fulfills as soon as the first of an iterable of promises fulfills, with that promise's value. Otherwise, it rejects with an AggregateError when all of the promises have rejected.
  • Referrer policy: The Referrer-Policy HTTP header and referrerpolicy HTML attributes control whether requests have the Referer header and what information the header contains.
  • Registered custom properties: The CSS.registerProperty() static method and the @property CSS at-rule register custom properties for which types and behaviors can be defined.
  • BigInt to i64 conversion (WebAssembly): Integer values pass bidirectionally between JavaScript and WebAssembly, converted to i64 values in WebAssembly or BigInt values in JavaScript.
  • Web authentication easy public key access: The getAuthenticatorData(), getPublicKey(), and getPublicKeyAlgorithm() methods of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse access credential data inside attestationObject without the need to parse it.
  • Anchors (WebXR): An XRAnchor object keeps track of a pose that is fixed relative to the real world. Anchors build an illusion that the placed objects are really present in the user's environment.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • AVIF: AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is an image format based on the AV1 video format.
  • counter-set: The counter-set CSS property creates (and optionally sets a value for) a counter, the numbers for a series of headings or ordered list items.
  • Logical assignments: The logical AND assignment (&&=) and the logical OR assignment (||=) operators short-circuit the respective binary logical operators.
  • Nullish coalescing: The nullish coalescing (??) and nullish coalescing assignment (??=) operators return (or assign) its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.
  • page-orientation: The page-orientation CSS property sets the rotation of a page after pagination. This allows pages with the same size declaration to display with different orientations.
  • Page selectors: The :first, :left, and :right pseudo-classes select pages based on their position in sequence after pagination. They're often used with the page CSS property, to choose a print layout defined by the @page rule.
  • Promise.any(): The Promise.any() static method returns a promise that fulfills as soon as the first of an iterable of promises fulfills, with that promise's value. Otherwise, it rejects with an AggregateError when all of the promises have rejected.
  • Referrer policy: The Referrer-Policy HTTP header and referrerpolicy HTML attributes control whether requests have the Referer header and what information the header contains.
  • Registered custom properties: The CSS.registerProperty() static method and the @property CSS at-rule register custom properties for which types and behaviors can be defined.
  • BigInt to i64 conversion (WebAssembly): Integer values pass bidirectionally between JavaScript and WebAssembly, converted to i64 values in WebAssembly or BigInt values in JavaScript.
  • Web authentication easy public key access: The getAuthenticatorData(), getPublicKey(), and getPublicKeyAlgorithm() methods of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse access credential data inside attestationObject without the need to parse it.
  • Anchors (WebXR): An XRAnchor object keeps track of a pose that is fixed relative to the real world. Anchors build an illusion that the placed objects are really present in the user's environment.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • counter-set: The counter-set CSS property creates (and optionally sets a value for) a counter, the numbers for a series of headings or ordered list items.
  • Logical assignments: The logical AND assignment (&&=) and the logical OR assignment (||=) operators short-circuit the respective binary logical operators.
  • Nullish coalescing: The nullish coalescing (??) and nullish coalescing assignment (??=) operators return (or assign) its right-hand side operand when its left-hand side operand is null or undefined, and otherwise returns its left-hand side operand.
  • page-orientation: The page-orientation CSS property sets the rotation of a page after pagination. This allows pages with the same size declaration to display with different orientations.
  • Page selectors: The :first, :left, and :right pseudo-classes select pages based on their position in sequence after pagination. They're often used with the page CSS property, to choose a print layout defined by the @page rule.
  • Promise.any(): The Promise.any() static method returns a promise that fulfills as soon as the first of an iterable of promises fulfills, with that promise's value. Otherwise, it rejects with an AggregateError when all of the promises have rejected.
  • Referrer policy: The Referrer-Policy HTTP header and referrerpolicy HTML attributes control whether requests have the Referer header and what information the header contains.
  • Registered custom properties: The CSS.registerProperty() static method and the @property CSS at-rule register custom properties for which types and behaviors can be defined.
  • Storage access: The document.requestStorageAccess() method allows content in iframes to request storing and reading cookies and other site data, while the document.hasStorageAccess() method checks if such access is granted.
  • BigInt to i64 conversion (WebAssembly): Integer values pass bidirectionally between JavaScript and WebAssembly, converted to i64 values in WebAssembly or BigInt values in JavaScript.
  • Web authentication easy public key access: The getAuthenticatorData(), getPublicKey(), and getPublicKeyAlgorithm() methods of AuthenticatorAttestationResponse access credential data inside attestationObject without the need to parse it.
  • Anchors (WebXR): An XRAnchor object keeps track of a pose that is fixed relative to the real world. Anchors build an illusion that the placed objects are really present in the user's environment.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • appearance: The appearance CSS property controls the appearance of form controls. Using appearance: none disables any default native appearance and allows the elements to be styled with CSS.
  • ::marker: The ::marker CSS pseudo-element selects list item markers for styling numbers or bullets.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • appearance: The appearance CSS property controls the appearance of form controls. Using appearance: none disables any default native appearance and allows the elements to be styled with CSS.
  • ::marker: The ::marker CSS pseudo-element selects list item markers for styling numbers or bullets.