Web platform features explorer

📃 August 2022 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • Array findLast() and findLastIndex(): The findLast() and findLastIndex() methods of arrays and typed arrays search an array in reverse order for the first item that satisfies a test function.
  • Individual transform properties: The translate, rotate, and scale CSS properties apply single transformations independently, as opposed to applying multiple transformations with the transform CSS property.

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • EXT_sRGB WebGL extension: The EXT_sRGB extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects.
  • Media playback quality: The getVideoPlaybackQuality() method of HTMLVideoElement returns metrics that can be used to determine the playback quality of a video, such as how many frames were dropped.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Custom formats for clipboard items: The web prefix for ClipboardItem data types (also known as MIME types) allows reading and writing ununsanitized custom data from the device clipboard.
  • Media query range syntax: The range syntax of CSS media queries allows you to use mathematical comparison operators such as <, >, <=, and >= to define a range of values for a media query. For example, (400px < width < 1000px) returns true if the viewport width is between 400px and 1000px.
  • object-view-box: The object-view-box CSS property crops and zooms to an inset area of an image.
  • Region capture: The CropTarget API crops an element from a video track derived from display-capture of the active browser tab. For example, you can crop out video conferencing during screen sharing.
  • Color management for WebGL: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGLRenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".
  • Color management for WebGL2: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGL2RenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Custom formats for clipboard items: The web prefix for ClipboardItem data types (also known as MIME types) allows reading and writing ununsanitized custom data from the device clipboard.
  • Media query range syntax: The range syntax of CSS media queries allows you to use mathematical comparison operators such as <, >, <=, and >= to define a range of values for a media query. For example, (400px < width < 1000px) returns true if the viewport width is between 400px and 1000px.
  • object-view-box: The object-view-box CSS property crops and zooms to an inset area of an image.
  • Color management for WebGL: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGLRenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".
  • Color management for WebGL2: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGL2RenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • Custom formats for clipboard items: The web prefix for ClipboardItem data types (also known as MIME types) allows reading and writing ununsanitized custom data from the device clipboard.
  • Media query range syntax: The range syntax of CSS media queries allows you to use mathematical comparison operators such as <, >, <=, and >= to define a range of values for a media query. For example, (400px < width < 1000px) returns true if the viewport width is between 400px and 1000px.
  • object-view-box: The object-view-box CSS property crops and zooms to an inset area of an image.
  • Region capture: The CropTarget API crops an element from a video track derived from display-capture of the active browser tab. For example, you can crop out video conferencing during screen sharing.
  • Color management for WebGL: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGLRenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".
  • Color management for WebGL2: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGL2RenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".