Web platform features explorer

📃 August 2023 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • dirname: The dirname attribute of <textarea> and <input> HTML elements includes the field's writing direction as form data on submission.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • AbortSignal.any(): The AbortSignal.any() static method combines an iterable of abort signals into a single signal, with the abort reason taken from the first signal to abort.
  • Federated credential management: The IdentityCredential API delegates authentication to a third-party identity provider, instead of using third-party cookies. Also known as FedCM.
  • Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • AbortSignal.any(): The AbortSignal.any() static method combines an iterable of abort signals into a single signal, with the abort reason taken from the first signal to abort.
  • Federated credential management: The IdentityCredential API delegates authentication to a third-party identity provider, instead of using third-party cookies. Also known as FedCM.
  • Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • AbortSignal.any(): The AbortSignal.any() static method combines an iterable of abort signals into a single signal, with the abort reason taken from the first signal to abort.
  • Federated credential management: The IdentityCredential API delegates authentication to a third-party identity provider, instead of using third-party cookies. Also known as FedCM.
  • Popover: The popover HTML attribute creates an overlay to display content on top of other page content. Popovers can be shown declaratively using HTML, or using the showPopover() method.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Nesting: CSS nesting allows for shorter selectors, easier reading, and more modularity by nesting rules inside others.
  • ReadableStream.from(): The ReadableStream.from() static method converts an iterable or async iterable object, such as an array or async generator function, into a readable stream.
  • WebRTC encoded transform: The WebRTC encoded transform API allows you to modify audio and video streams in WebRTC connections. For example, it can be used for visual effects or custom codecs.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Nesting: CSS nesting allows for shorter selectors, easier reading, and more modularity by nesting rules inside others.
  • ReadableStream.from(): The ReadableStream.from() static method converts an iterable or async iterable object, such as an array or async generator function, into a readable stream.
  • WebRTC encoded transform: The WebRTC encoded transform API allows you to modify audio and video streams in WebRTC connections. For example, it can be used for visual effects or custom codecs.