Web platform features explorer

📃 August 2024 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • transition-behavior: The transition-behavior: allow-discrete CSS declaration allows transitions for properties whose animation behavior is discrete. Such properties can't be interpolated and swap from their start value to the end value at 50%.

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • color-scheme: The color-scheme CSS property sets which color schemes (light or dark) an element uses and may prevent automatic dark mode adjustments by the browser.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • document.caretPositionFromPoint(): The document.caretPositionFromPoint() method finds an insertion point, represented by a DOM node and an offset within that node, for given coordinates in the viewport.
  • Promise.try(): The Promise.try() static method returns a promise that takes a callback of any kind (returns or throws, synchronously or asynchronously) and wraps its result in a Promise.
  • ruby-align: The ruby-align CSS property sets the spacing and alignment of ruby annotation text when it does not fill its available space.
  • WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc WebGL extension: The WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds PVRTC compressed texture formats to compressedTexImage2D() and compressedTexSubImage2D().

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • document.caretPositionFromPoint(): The document.caretPositionFromPoint() method finds an insertion point, represented by a DOM node and an offset within that node, for given coordinates in the viewport.
  • Promise.try(): The Promise.try() static method returns a promise that takes a callback of any kind (returns or throws, synchronously or asynchronously) and wraps its result in a Promise.
  • ruby-align: The ruby-align CSS property sets the spacing and alignment of ruby annotation text when it does not fill its available space.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • document.caretPositionFromPoint(): The document.caretPositionFromPoint() method finds an insertion point, represented by a DOM node and an offset within that node, for given coordinates in the viewport.
  • Promise.try(): The Promise.try() static method returns a promise that takes a callback of any kind (returns or throws, synchronously or asynchronously) and wraps its result in a Promise.
  • ruby-align: The ruby-align CSS property sets the spacing and alignment of ruby annotation text when it does not fill its available space.
  • WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc WebGL extension: The WEBGL_compressed_texture_pvrtc extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds PVRTC compressed texture formats to compressedTexImage2D() and compressedTexSubImage2D().

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Float16Array: Float16Array is a typed array of 16-bit floating point numbers.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Float16Array: Float16Array is a typed array of 16-bit floating point numbers.