Web platform features explorer

📃 February 2014 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • font-kerning: The font-kerning CSS property sets whether kerning data from a font is used to adjust the space between letters.
  • Page visibility: The document.visibilityState and document.hidden properties tell you whether the page is visible to the user (for example, it's not minimized or in a background tab).
  • Speech synthesis: The SpeechSynthesis API converts text to speech with artificial voices.
  • text-underline-position: The text-underline-position CSS property sets the position of underlines on text. For example, text-underline-position: under places the underline below the text, avoiding crossing descenders. The underline may be further adjusted by the text-underline-offset property.
  • WEBGL_debug_renderer_info WebGL extension: The WEBGL_debug_renderer_info extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts exposes information about the graphics driver for debugging purposes.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • font-kerning: The font-kerning CSS property sets whether kerning data from a font is used to adjust the space between letters.
  • Page visibility: The document.visibilityState and document.hidden properties tell you whether the page is visible to the user (for example, it's not minimized or in a background tab).
  • Speech synthesis: The SpeechSynthesis API converts text to speech with artificial voices.
  • text-underline-position: The text-underline-position CSS property sets the position of underlines on text. For example, text-underline-position: under places the underline below the text, avoiding crossing descenders. The underline may be further adjusted by the text-underline-offset property.
  • WEBGL_debug_renderer_info WebGL extension: The WEBGL_debug_renderer_info extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts exposes information about the graphics driver for debugging purposes.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • all: The all CSS property is a shorthand for all CSS properties, except for direction and unicode-bidi. It accepts only the keywords for explicit defaulting (such as initial and inherit), since they are the only values supported on all CSS properties.
  • Cursor styles: The cursor CSS property styles the pointer, allowing you to provide hints to the user on how to interact with the hovered element.
  • unset: The unset keyword resets any CSS property, removing any values previously set by the author, user, or browser. Inherited properties (like color) reset to the parent element's computed value. Non-inherited properties (like display) reset to the specified initial value (inline).

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • all: The all CSS property is a shorthand for all CSS properties, except for direction and unicode-bidi. It accepts only the keywords for explicit defaulting (such as initial and inherit), since they are the only values supported on all CSS properties.
  • unset: The unset keyword resets any CSS property, removing any values previously set by the author, user, or browser. Inherited properties (like color) reset to the parent element's computed value. Non-inherited properties (like display) reset to the specified initial value (inline).