Web platform features explorer

📃 February 2015 release notes

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • HTTP/2: The HTTP/2 protocol is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing improved performance and efficiency by using a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once.
  • isolation: The isolation CSS property creates a new stacking context, which impacts z-index ordering and blend modes.
  • Media capture: The navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() API requests access to devices that produce audio or video streams, such as microphones or video cameras.
  • object-fit: The object-fit CSS property sets how images, videos, and other replaced elements are scaled within their container.
  • object-position: The object-position CSS property places images, videos, and other replaced elements within their boxes.
  • scroll-behavior: The scroll-behavior CSS property controls whether scrolling is smooth or snaps, for scroll actions not performed by the user such as those triggered by navigation.
  • Scroll methods on elements: The scroll() and scrollBy() methods change the scroll position of overflow content within an element. Similar to setting scrollTop and scrollLeft properties, but with options setting whether the scroll should animate smoothly or jump. Note that scrollTo() is an alias for scroll().
  • scrollIntoView(): The scrollIntoView() method scrolls an element's ancestor containers such that the element is visible to the user.
  • Symbol: A Symbol value is a unique, non-enumerable primitive value used for encapsulation or information hiding. For example, a symbol can be a key of an object that can never collide with any other key.
  • text-decoration-line: blink: The text-decoration: blink CSS declaration flashes text between visible and invisible.
  • will-change: The will-change CSS property gives hints to the browser about expected changes to an element's scroll position, contents, or style. These hints allow browsers to optimize for upcoming style changes.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • EXT_color_buffer_half_float WebGL extension: The EXT_color_buffer_half_float extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts renders 16-bit floating-point color buffers.
  • HTTP/2: The HTTP/2 protocol is a major revision of the HTTP network protocol, providing improved performance and efficiency by using a single TCP connection to send multiple streams of data at once.
  • isolation: The isolation CSS property creates a new stacking context, which impacts z-index ordering and blend modes.
  • Media capture: The navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia() API requests access to devices that produce audio or video streams, such as microphones or video cameras.
  • object-fit: The object-fit CSS property sets how images, videos, and other replaced elements are scaled within their container.
  • object-position: The object-position CSS property places images, videos, and other replaced elements within their boxes.
  • scroll-behavior: The scroll-behavior CSS property controls whether scrolling is smooth or snaps, for scroll actions not performed by the user such as those triggered by navigation.
  • Scroll methods on elements: The scroll() and scrollBy() methods change the scroll position of overflow content within an element. Similar to setting scrollTop and scrollLeft properties, but with options setting whether the scroll should animate smoothly or jump. Note that scrollTo() is an alias for scroll().
  • scrollIntoView(): The scrollIntoView() method scrolls an element's ancestor containers such that the element is visible to the user.
  • Symbol: A Symbol value is a unique, non-enumerable primitive value used for encapsulation or information hiding. For example, a symbol can be a key of an object that can never collide with any other key.
  • text-decoration-line: blink: The text-decoration: blink CSS declaration flashes text between visible and invisible.
  • will-change: The will-change CSS property gives hints to the browser about expected changes to an element's scroll position, contents, or style. These hints allow browsers to optimize for upcoming style changes.