Web platform features explorer

📃 February 2020 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • EXT_sRGB WebGL extension: The EXT_sRGB extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds sRGB support to textures and framebuffer objects.
  • Media playback quality: The getVideoPlaybackQuality() method of HTMLVideoElement returns metrics that can be used to determine the playback quality of a video, such as how many frames were dropped.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Compression streams: The CompressionStream and DecompressionStream interfaces compress and decompress data using the gzip or deflate formats.
  • Fetch metadata request headers: The Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, and Sec-Fetch-User HTTP headers provide extra information about the way a request was made, to help servers reject certain kinds of malicious requests.
  • JavaScript modules in shared workers: The SharedWorker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in shared workers.
  • JavaScript modules in workers: The Worker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in workers.
  • messageerror: The messageerror event fires on a target, such as a window or worker, when an incoming message cannot be deserialized. This event can fire for many types of messages, such as cross-document messages or broadcast channel messages.
  • OES_fbo_render_mipmap WebGL extension: The OES_fbo_render_mipmap extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts attaches any level of a texture to a framebuffer object.
  • Scroll to text fragment: Text fragments are URL fragments on the form #:~:text=snippet and link to a snippet of text within a page. The browser may scroll, highlight, or otherwise bring that text to the reader's attention.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Compression streams: The CompressionStream and DecompressionStream interfaces compress and decompress data using the gzip or deflate formats.
  • Contact picker: The navigator.contacts API allows you to ask users to share limited details about entries in their contact list with your application.
  • Fetch metadata request headers: The Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, and Sec-Fetch-User HTTP headers provide extra information about the way a request was made, to help servers reject certain kinds of malicious requests.
  • JavaScript modules in workers: The Worker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in workers.
  • messageerror: The messageerror event fires on a target, such as a window or worker, when an incoming message cannot be deserialized. This event can fire for many types of messages, such as cross-document messages or broadcast channel messages.
  • OES_fbo_render_mipmap WebGL extension: The OES_fbo_render_mipmap extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts attaches any level of a texture to a framebuffer object.
  • Scroll to text fragment: Text fragments are URL fragments on the form #:~:text=snippet and link to a snippet of text within a page. The browser may scroll, highlight, or otherwise bring that text to the reader's attention.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • Compression streams: The CompressionStream and DecompressionStream interfaces compress and decompress data using the gzip or deflate formats.
  • Fetch metadata request headers: The Sec-Fetch-Dest, Sec-Fetch-Mode, Sec-Fetch-Site, and Sec-Fetch-User HTTP headers provide extra information about the way a request was made, to help servers reject certain kinds of malicious requests.
  • JavaScript modules in shared workers: The SharedWorker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in shared workers.
  • JavaScript modules in workers: The Worker() constructor accepts { type: "module" } to load scripts that use import and export. Also known as ECMAScript modules or ESM in workers.
  • messageerror: The messageerror event fires on a target, such as a window or worker, when an incoming message cannot be deserialized. This event can fire for many types of messages, such as cross-document messages or broadcast channel messages.
  • OES_fbo_render_mipmap WebGL extension: The OES_fbo_render_mipmap extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts attaches any level of a texture to a framebuffer object.
  • Scroll to text fragment: Text fragments are URL fragments on the form #:~:text=snippet and link to a snippet of text within a page. The browser may scroll, highlight, or otherwise bring that text to the reader's attention.
  • WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb WebGL extension: The WEBGL_compressed_texture_s3tc_srgb extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds S3TC compressed texture formats for the sRGB colorspace to compressedTexImage2D() and compressedTexSubImage2D().