Web platform features explorer

📃 February 2023 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • :autofill: The :autofill pseudo-class matches <input> elements that have been filled in automatically by the browser.
  • color-gamut media query: The color-gamut media query sets styles based on the colors a device can display.
  • Container queries: Container size queries with the @container at-rule apply styles to an element based on the dimensions of its container.

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • String replaceAll(): The replaceAll() method of strings returns a new string where all matches of a pattern (a string or regular expression) have been substituted with a replacement string.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Array by copy: The toReversed(), toSorted(), toSpliced(), and with() methods of arrays and typed arrays return changed copies of arrays. They stand in contrast to methods such as sort() or reverse() that change arrays in place.
  • calc() keywords: The e, pi, infinity, and NaN keywords represent well-defined constants accepted in CSS math functions such as calc().
  • Credentialless iframes: The credentialless attribute for the <iframe> HTML element loads third-party content in an ephemeral context and does not send any credentials such as cookies. When using cross-origin isolation, this allows you to embed content that does not send Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers.
  • initial-letter: The initial-letter CSS property sets the number of lines the first letter of an element occupies. You can use the property to make a raised capital or drop cap.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Array by copy: The toReversed(), toSorted(), toSpliced(), and with() methods of arrays and typed arrays return changed copies of arrays. They stand in contrast to methods such as sort() or reverse() that change arrays in place.
  • calc() keywords: The e, pi, infinity, and NaN keywords represent well-defined constants accepted in CSS math functions such as calc().
  • Credentialless iframes: The credentialless attribute for the <iframe> HTML element loads third-party content in an ephemeral context and does not send any credentials such as cookies. When using cross-origin isolation, this allows you to embed content that does not send Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers.
  • initial-letter: The initial-letter CSS property sets the number of lines the first letter of an element occupies. You can use the property to make a raised capital or drop cap.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • Array by copy: The toReversed(), toSorted(), toSpliced(), and with() methods of arrays and typed arrays return changed copies of arrays. They stand in contrast to methods such as sort() or reverse() that change arrays in place.
  • calc() keywords: The e, pi, infinity, and NaN keywords represent well-defined constants accepted in CSS math functions such as calc().
  • Credentialless iframes: The credentialless attribute for the <iframe> HTML element loads third-party content in an ephemeral context and does not send any credentials such as cookies. When using cross-origin isolation, this allows you to embed content that does not send Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy headers.
  • initial-letter: The initial-letter CSS property sets the number of lines the first letter of an element occupies. You can use the property to make a raised capital or drop cap.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Asynchronously iterable streams: Asynchronous iteration of a stream allows you to use for await … of loops to iterate through a stream's incoming data.
  • <datalist>: The <datalist> element sets recommended values for an <input> element. Browsers may show a dropdown menu of all values or match values as the user types.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Asynchronously iterable streams: Asynchronous iteration of a stream allows you to use for await … of loops to iterate through a stream's incoming data.