Web platform features explorer

📃 January 2010 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array.
  • border-radius: The border-radius CSS property rounds the corners of the border drawn around an element.
  • Channel messaging: Channel messaging communicates one-to-one between browsing contexts on the same origin, such as between <iframe> elements or two documents using a shared worker.
  • CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources. Also known as CORS.
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security: The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS, and that any future attempts to access it using HTTP should automatically be converted to HTTPS. Also known as HSTS.
  • <input type="range">: The <input type="range"> element represents a slider for choosing an inexact value between a minimum and maximum value.
  • localStorage and sessionStorage: The localStorage and sessionStorage APIs store data as key-value pairs. While localStorage persists across sessions, sessionStorage data is discarded when the page is closed.
  • :nth-of-type() pseudo-classes: The :nth-of-type() and :nth-last-of-type() CSS functional pseudo-classes match elements based on their position among siblings of the same type. The :first-of-type, :last-of-type, and :only-of-type pseudo-classes match the first, last, and only elements of its type.
  • Page transition events: The pageshow and pagehide transition events fire when a document loads or unloads due to a navigation, such as clicking on a link on a page or the back button in a browser.
  • rem: The rem CSS length unit is a font-relative length that is equal to the font size of the root HTML element which for most browsers is 16px.
  • resize (CSS property): The resize CSS property sets whether an element can be resized by the user, and on which axes.
  • Text stroke and fill (compatibility prefixes): The -webkit-text-stroke-width and -webkit-text-stroke-color CSS properties set the thickness and color of text outlines. The -webkit-text-fill-color sets the color within text character outlines. Both default to the text color.
  • User agent sniffing: The navigator.userAgent read-only property returns the user agent string for the current browser. Selectively showing content based on the user agent string is unreliable. Consider using feature detection instead.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • background: The background CSS property is a shorthand that sets several background properties at once.
  • background-image: The background-image CSS property sets the graphics to display behind the content of an element and in front of the background color. Graphics may be any combination of images or gradients.
  • Gradients: The linear-gradient() and radial-gradient() CSS functions and their repeating counterparts create backgrounds that progress smoothly between multiple colors.
  • <input type="checkbox">: The <input type="checkbox"> HTML element represents a tickable box with two states, checked and unchecked.
  • pointer-events: The pointer-events CSS property sets whether a user can interact with an element using a mouse, touch, or other pointing input device.
  • rem: The rem CSS length unit is a font-relative length that is equal to the font size of the root HTML element which for most browsers is 16px.