Web platform features explorer

📃 January 2016 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • font-feature-settings: The font-feature-settings CSS property sets low-level OpenType feature tags for a font. When possible, use font-variant instead.
  • Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. They are intended for Document Type Definition (DTD) designers. For HTML documents, you should use the dir global HTML attribute and <bdo> HTML element instead.
  • text-combine-upright: The text-combine-upright CSS property displays multiple characters in the space of a single character in vertical text. This is used in East Asian documents to display Latin-based strings such as components of a date or letters of an initialism.
  • text-orientation: The text-orientation CSS property sets the how text is typeset within a line when the writing mode is vertical.
  • writing-mode: The writing-mode CSS property sets whether text is laid out horizontally or vertically, and left to right, or right to left.
  • writing-mode SVG 1.1 values: The lr, lr-tb, rl, rl-tb, tb, and tb-rl keyword values for the writing-mode CSS property set the text direction for elements in SVG 1.1 documents.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • font-feature-settings: The font-feature-settings CSS property sets low-level OpenType feature tags for a font. When possible, use font-variant instead.
  • Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. They are intended for Document Type Definition (DTD) designers. For HTML documents, you should use the dir global HTML attribute and <bdo> HTML element instead.
  • text-combine-upright: The text-combine-upright CSS property displays multiple characters in the space of a single character in vertical text. This is used in East Asian documents to display Latin-based strings such as components of a date or letters of an initialism.
  • text-orientation: The text-orientation CSS property sets the how text is typeset within a line when the writing mode is vertical.
  • writing-mode: The writing-mode CSS property sets whether text is laid out horizontally or vertically, and left to right, or right to left.
  • writing-mode SVG 1.1 values: The lr, lr-tb, rl, rl-tb, tb, and tb-rl keyword values for the writing-mode CSS property set the text direction for elements in SVG 1.1 documents.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Brotli compression: Brotli is a lossless data compression algorithm. When used as a content encoding, it often provides better compression than gzip.
  • Let and const: The let and const declarations define block-scoped variables.
  • Push messages: The Push API subscribes to and receives server-initiated messages. Subscribers receive pushed messages in the background, even after periods inactive or offline.
  • Service workers: The service worker of a website is a script that runs in its own thread and which acts as local proxy that intercepts network requests from the website. Use a service worker to implement advanced caching strategies, offline support, background tasks, or push notification support on your website.
  • WebRTC statistics: The RTCPeerConnection.getStats(), RTCRtpSender.getStats(), and RTCRtpReceiver.getStats() methods return detailed information about the status, performance, network, and media for a given WebRTC connection.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Brotli compression: Brotli is a lossless data compression algorithm. When used as a content encoding, it often provides better compression than gzip.
  • Let and const: The let and const declarations define block-scoped variables.
  • Service workers: The service worker of a website is a script that runs in its own thread and which acts as local proxy that intercepts network requests from the website. Use a service worker to implement advanced caching strategies, offline support, background tasks, or push notification support on your website.
  • WebRTC statistics: The RTCPeerConnection.getStats(), RTCRtpSender.getStats(), and RTCRtpReceiver.getStats() methods return detailed information about the status, performance, network, and media for a given WebRTC connection.