Web platform features explorer

📃 January 2023 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • MathML: MathML, or the Mathematical Markup Language, describes mathematical notation, such as expressions and formulas. Also known as MathML Core.

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • column-span: The column-span CSS property controls whether a child element extends across all columns of a multi-column parent.
  • line-break: The line-break CSS property sets how strictly to apply rules for wrapping text to new lines, especially for symbols and punctuation.
  • min(), max(), and clamp(): The min() and max() CSS functions return the minimum or maximum of the arguments, while clamp() clamps a value to a given range.
  • Numeric separators: To improve readability for numeric literals, underscores (_) can be used as separators. For example, 1_050.95 is equivalent to 1050.95.
  • Pointer Events: Pointer events, such as pointerdown, and the PointerEvent API, represent general pointing inputs, from a wide range of devices, such as a mouse, pen or stylus, or touch with one or more fingers. Not to be confused with the pointer-events CSS property.
  • Promise.allSettled(): The Promise.allSettled() static method waits for an array of promises to settle (resolve or reject).
  • :read-only and :read-write: The :read-only and :read-write CSS pseudo-classes match elements that are read-only or read-write, respectively. For example, :read-only matches <input> and <textarea> elements with the readonly attribute.
  • Resize observer: The ResizeObserver API observes and reacts to changes in the size of DOM elements.
  • revert: The revert CSS keyword resets any property to its previous default, provided by either the user or browser stylesheets. For example, setting display: revert on a <div> will likely result in display: block, the browser default style. This is often confused with initial.
  • Shadow parts: The part and exportparts HTML attributes expose elements of a shadow DOM as named parts, which can be selected by the ::part() CSS pseudo-element for styling.
  • text-underline-position: The text-underline-position CSS property sets the position of underlines on text. For example, text-underline-position: under places the underline below the text, avoiding crossing descenders. The underline may be further adjusted by the text-underline-offset property.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Math font family: The font-family: math CSS declaration uses the browser default font face for displaying mathematical expressions.
  • Hyphenate limit chars: The hyphenate-limit-chars CSS property sets the number of characters in a word before it is hyphenated and the minimum number of characters on either side of the hyphen.
  • lh unit: The lh CSS length unit corresponds to the requested line height, the computed value of the line-height property. Some lines may be higher than this based on their content.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Math font family: The font-family: math CSS declaration uses the browser default font face for displaying mathematical expressions.
  • Hyphenate limit chars: The hyphenate-limit-chars CSS property sets the number of characters in a word before it is hyphenated and the minimum number of characters on either side of the hyphen.
  • lh unit: The lh CSS length unit corresponds to the requested line height, the computed value of the line-height property. Some lines may be higher than this based on their content.
  • Origin private file system: The navigator.storage.getDirectory() method returns a FileSystemDirectoryHandle that is restricted to a specific origin and invisible to the user's actual file system for faster file-based applications, such as SQLite databases.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • Math font family: The font-family: math CSS declaration uses the browser default font face for displaying mathematical expressions.
  • Hyphenate limit chars: The hyphenate-limit-chars CSS property sets the number of characters in a word before it is hyphenated and the minimum number of characters on either side of the hyphen.
  • lh unit: The lh CSS length unit corresponds to the requested line height, the computed value of the line-height property. Some lines may be higher than this based on their content.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • scrollend: The scrollend event fires when an element or document has finished scrolling.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • scrollend: The scrollend event fires when an element or document has finished scrolling.