Web platform features explorer

📃 July 2014 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • @font-face: The @font-face CSS at-rule creates a custom font-family value. The at-rule's descriptors set the font's name, source, and various display settings.
  • touch-action: The touch-action CSS property sets whether an element on a touch screen can be panned or pinched to zoom.
  • 2D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 2D transform functions allow rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating an element. Arbitrary 2D transforms are also possible using a transformation matrix.
  • 3D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 3D transform functions allow rotations and other transforms in three dimensions, including perspective transforms.
  • WeakMap: A WeakMap object holds key-value pairs that do not create strong references to its keys, such that value data can be associated with a key without preventing garbage collection of the key.
  • WeakSet: A WeakSet object stores unique values of any type without creating strong references to the values, such that membership in the set does not prevent garbage collection of the value.
  • Web animations: The animate() method of Element objects programmatically animates elements over time and can synchronize the animations of multiple elements.
  • WEBGL_draw_buffers WebGL extension: The WEBGL_draw_buffers extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts enables a fragment shader to write to several textures, which is useful for deferred shading, for example.
  • will-change: The will-change CSS property gives hints to the browser about expected changes to an element's scroll position, contents, or style. These hints allow browsers to optimize for upcoming style changes.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • @font-face: The @font-face CSS at-rule creates a custom font-family value. The at-rule's descriptors set the font's name, source, and various display settings.
  • String repeat(): The repeat() method of strings returns the original string repeated a number of times.
  • String startsWith() and endsWith(): The startsWith() and endsWith() methods of strings returns whether a search string appears at the beginning or end of the provided string.
  • touch-action: The touch-action CSS property sets whether an element on a touch screen can be panned or pinched to zoom.
  • 2D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 2D transform functions allow rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating an element. Arbitrary 2D transforms are also possible using a transformation matrix.
  • 3D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 3D transform functions allow rotations and other transforms in three dimensions, including perspective transforms.
  • WeakMap: A WeakMap object holds key-value pairs that do not create strong references to its keys, such that value data can be associated with a key without preventing garbage collection of the key.
  • WeakSet: A WeakSet object stores unique values of any type without creating strong references to the values, such that membership in the set does not prevent garbage collection of the value.
  • Web animations: The animate() method of Element objects programmatically animates elements over time and can synchronize the animations of multiple elements.
  • will-change: The will-change CSS property gives hints to the browser about expected changes to an element's scroll position, contents, or style. These hints allow browsers to optimize for upcoming style changes.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Beacons: The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends an HTTP POST request with a limited amount of data, typically for app state, events, and analytics data. The one-way beacon is guaranteed to be initiated before the browser unloads the page, but the sender does not get to handle the response.
  • COLRv0: COLRv0 is a font format that supports multi-color glyphs. COLRv0 supports only solid colors.
  • CSS.escape(): The CSS.escape() static method escapes a string so that it can be used in a valid CSS selector.
  • Custom properties: Custom properties are CSS properties prefixed with -- that set values you can reuse with the var() function. For example, you can set a --key-color property to reuse as border-color: var(--key-color). Also known as CSS variables.
  • fastSeek(): The fastSeek() method seeks an <audio> or <video> element as fast as possible, by seeking to a keyframe instead of exactly the requested time.
  • String normalize(): The normalize() method of strings returns a Unicode normal form of a string as a new string. More than one code point sequence can represent the same characters. You can use the normalize() method to find canonically or compatibly equivalent strings.
  • Text tracks: The <track> element is used as a child of the media elements that lets you specify a timed text track to be displayed in parallel with the media element.
  • WebVTT: WebVTT is a captions and subtitles format. WebVTT files are loaded using the <track> element, and the VTTCue API can be used to create or update cues dynamically.
  • WebVTT cue alignment: The WebVTT cue alignment settings control which part of the cue is aligned with the given line and position. Cue alignment is set using line and position settings in WebVTT files or the lineAlign and positionAlign properties of VTTCue using JavaScript.
  • WebVTT cue settings: The VTTCue API updates various aspects of cues dynamically, such as alignment, size and position.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Beacons: The navigator.sendBeacon() method asynchronously sends an HTTP POST request with a limited amount of data, typically for app state, events, and analytics data. The one-way beacon is guaranteed to be initiated before the browser unloads the page, but the sender does not get to handle the response.
  • COLRv0: COLRv0 is a font format that supports multi-color glyphs. COLRv0 supports only solid colors.
  • CSS.escape(): The CSS.escape() static method escapes a string so that it can be used in a valid CSS selector.
  • Custom properties: Custom properties are CSS properties prefixed with -- that set values you can reuse with the var() function. For example, you can set a --key-color property to reuse as border-color: var(--key-color). Also known as CSS variables.
  • fastSeek(): The fastSeek() method seeks an <audio> or <video> element as fast as possible, by seeking to a keyframe instead of exactly the requested time.
  • String normalize(): The normalize() method of strings returns a Unicode normal form of a string as a new string. More than one code point sequence can represent the same characters. You can use the normalize() method to find canonically or compatibly equivalent strings.
  • Text tracks: The <track> element is used as a child of the media elements that lets you specify a timed text track to be displayed in parallel with the media element.
  • WebVTT: WebVTT is a captions and subtitles format. WebVTT files are loaded using the <track> element, and the VTTCue API can be used to create or update cues dynamically.
  • WebVTT cue alignment: The WebVTT cue alignment settings control which part of the cue is aligned with the given line and position. Cue alignment is set using line and position settings in WebVTT files or the lineAlign and positionAlign properties of VTTCue using JavaScript.
  • WebVTT cue settings: The VTTCue API updates various aspects of cues dynamically, such as alignment, size and position.