Web platform features explorer

📃 July 2018 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Cursor styles: The cursor CSS property styles the pointer, allowing you to provide hints to the user on how to interact with the hovered element.
  • Gamepad haptic feedback: The gamepad.vibrationActuator property represents a gamepad's haptics hardware, which allows you to control the vibration motors in a gamepad.
  • Keyboard lock: The navigator.keyboard.lock() API allows you to capture keys that are normally reserved by the operating system. It can be used to provide an immersive fullscreen experience such as games.
  • Page lifecycle: The page lifecycle API helps you safely handle page suspensions or discards from memory. The freeze and resume events fire when the browser suspends or resumes a page from memory while the document.wasDiscarded property reports whether the page was reloaded after being dropped.
  • resolution media query: The resolution CSS media query sets styles based on the pixel density, or how many pixels a device uses to display a single CSS pixel.
  • SharedArrayBuffer and Atomics: The SharedArrayBuffer object represents bytes shared between multiple workers and the main thread. The Atomics object safely accesses SharedArrayBuffer data to make sure predictable values are read and written and that operations are not interrupted.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Cursor styles: The cursor CSS property styles the pointer, allowing you to provide hints to the user on how to interact with the hovered element.
  • Gamepad haptic feedback: The gamepad.vibrationActuator property represents a gamepad's haptics hardware, which allows you to control the vibration motors in a gamepad.
  • Keyboard lock: The navigator.keyboard.lock() API allows you to capture keys that are normally reserved by the operating system. It can be used to provide an immersive fullscreen experience such as games.
  • Page lifecycle: The page lifecycle API helps you safely handle page suspensions or discards from memory. The freeze and resume events fire when the browser suspends or resumes a page from memory while the document.wasDiscarded property reports whether the page was reloaded after being dropped.
  • resolution media query: The resolution CSS media query sets styles based on the pixel density, or how many pixels a device uses to display a single CSS pixel.