Web platform features explorer

📃 June 2008 release notes

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Alternative style sheets: The rel="alternate stylesheet" attribute for the <link> HTML element offers an alternative style option to users.
  • Array iteration methods: Array iteration methods
  • display: table: The display: table CSS declaration renders an element with the box layout of a <table> HTML element. Child elements may use equivalents to <table> internal elements such as display: table-row for <tr>.
  • ime-mode: The ime-mode CSS property sets the state of the input method editor for text fields.
  • <input type="file">: The <input type="file"> HTML element shows a file picker from which users can choose a file to upload with the form.
  • postMessage: The postMessage() global method sends cross-origin messages to windows and workers, including popups and iframes. Also known as cross-document messaging.
  • Stable array sort: Stable array sort() function
  • SVG: The SVG image format, represented by the <svg> element, creates two-dimensional vector graphics with declarative or scripted interaction and animation.
  • SVG filters: The <filter> SVG element applies custom effects such as color manipulation, blurring, or morphing to SVG elements.
  • z-index: The z-index CSS property orders overlapping elements, with higher values appearing in front of or on top of lower values.