Web platform features explorer

📃 June 2022 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • Streams: The streams API creates, composes, and consumes continuously generated data.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • ARIA attribute reflection: WAI-ARIA attributes have corresponding properties on Element and ElementInternals objects.
  • Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before other requests of the same type.
  • Local fonts: The window.queryLocalFonts() method returns an array of locally-installed fonts, each represented by a FontData object.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • ARIA attribute reflection: WAI-ARIA attributes have corresponding properties on Element and ElementInternals objects.
  • Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before other requests of the same type.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • ARIA attribute reflection: WAI-ARIA attributes have corresponding properties on Element and ElementInternals objects.
  • Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before other requests of the same type.
  • Local fonts: The window.queryLocalFonts() method returns an array of locally-installed fonts, each represented by a FontData object.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Media query range syntax: The range syntax of CSS media queries allows you to use mathematical comparison operators such as <, >, <=, and >= to define a range of values for a media query. For example, (400px < width < 1000px) returns true if the viewport width is between 400px and 1000px.
  • Readable byte streams: A ReadableStream constructed with { type: "bytes" } reads bytes from a stream without making extra copies, improving efficiency for streams of large chunks. Also known as BYOB or bring your own buffer.
  • Update frequency media query: The update CSS media query sets styles based on whether and how fast the user's device can modify display after it has been rendered. For example, you can avoid animations on devices that aren't fast enough to display them smoothly.
  • WebDriver BiDi: WebDriver BiDi is a bidirectional protocol that allows a WebDriver client and a browser to communicate with each other.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Media query range syntax: The range syntax of CSS media queries allows you to use mathematical comparison operators such as <, >, <=, and >= to define a range of values for a media query. For example, (400px < width < 1000px) returns true if the viewport width is between 400px and 1000px.
  • Readable byte streams: A ReadableStream constructed with { type: "bytes" } reads bytes from a stream without making extra copies, improving efficiency for streams of large chunks. Also known as BYOB or bring your own buffer.
  • Update frequency media query: The update CSS media query sets styles based on whether and how fast the user's device can modify display after it has been rendered. For example, you can avoid animations on devices that aren't fast enough to display them smoothly.
  • WebDriver BiDi: WebDriver BiDi is a bidirectional protocol that allows a WebDriver client and a browser to communicate with each other.