Web platform features explorer

📃 March 2011 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects.
  • box-sizing: The box-sizing CSS property sets whether an element's width and height are calculated based on the content-box, which does not count the size of borders or padding, or border-box, which does count them.
  • :default: The :default CSS pseudo-class matches the default element in a group of related form controls, such as checkboxes and radio buttons with the checked attribute.
  • Form validity pseudo-classes: The form validity CSS pseudo-classes match <form> elements based on the constraints of a form field, such as validity (:valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range) and necessity (:optional or :required).
  • OES_standard_derivatives WebGL extension: The OES_standard_derivatives extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds the GLSL derivative functions dFdx, dFdy, and fwidth.
  • OES_texture_float WebGL extension: The OES_texture_float extension for WebGL 1.0 contexts adds floating-point pixel types for textures.
  • <output>: The <output> element represents the result of a calculation, user action, or form entry.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array.
  • <article>: The <article> element represents self-contained content, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, such as a comment, a blog post, or news article.
  • <aside>: The <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content.
  • Base64 encoding and decoding: The atob() and btoa() global functions encode and decode strings to and from base 64, respectively.
  • border-radius: The border-radius CSS property rounds the corners of the border drawn around an element.
  • box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects.
  • Console: The console API logs debugging messages to the browser development tools' console.
  • Contenteditable: The contenteditable global HTML attribute allows the user to edit the content of an element, such as inserting or deleting text.
  • cubic-bezier() easing: The cubic-bezier() CSS easing function interpolates along a smooth curve, creating animations and transitions with continuous changes in speed. The ease, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out keyword values are presets for common Bézier curves.
  • :default: The :default CSS pseudo-class matches the default element in a group of related form controls, such as checkboxes and radio buttons with the checked attribute.
  • <figure> and <figcaption>: The <figure> and <figcaption> HTML elements represent an illustration, diagram, text, or other self-contained reference content, with an optional caption.
  • Form validity pseudo-classes: The form validity CSS pseudo-classes match <form> elements based on the constraints of a form field, such as validity (:valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range) and necessity (:optional or :required).
  • <header> and <footer>: The <header> and <footer> HTML elements represent content that precedes and follows the main page content, respectively.
  • <hgroup>: The <hgroup> element represents a heading and related content.
  • History: The window.history API manipulates the browser session history, from navigations to state management, in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in.
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security: The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS, and that any future attempts to access it using HTTP should automatically be converted to HTTPS. Also known as HSTS.
  • Email, telephone, and URL <input> types: The <input type="email">, <input type="tel">, and <input type="url"> HTML elements represent email address, telephone number, and URL fields in a form.
  • <mark>: The <mark> element represents text which is marked or highlighted for reference or notation purposes.
  • MathML: MathML, or the Mathematical Markup Language, describes mathematical notation, such as expressions and formulas. Also known as MathML Core.
  • <nav>: The <nav> element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents.
  • <output>: The <output> element represents the result of a calculation, user action, or form entry.
  • <input type="search">: The <input type="search"> HTML element represents a text field for search queries.
  • <section>: The <section> element is a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it.
  • SMIL SVG animations: The <animate>, <animateMotion>, and <animateTransform> SVG elements declaratively animate SVG elements. Also known as SMIL.
  • Typed arrays (initial support): Typed arrays are ordered lists of JavaScript values, where all values are of the same numerical type, such as 8-bit integers or 32-bit floating point numbers.
  • WebGL: The WebGLRenderingContext API is the "webgl" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a space for drawing two- and three-dimensional graphics and animations.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • <a>: The <a> element creates a hyperlink to any resource that's accessible via a URL, such as web pages, files, email addresses, or locations within the same page.
  • <abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym.
  • Absolute positioning: The position: absolute CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to its containing block, which is often the root element, or closest positioned ancestor.
  • Accessor methods: The __defineGetter__() and __defineSetter__() methods of objects bind a function to a property, which is called on setting or reading the property.
  • <address>: The <address> element represents contact information for a person or people, or for an organization.
  • Alerts: The window.alert(), window.confirm(), and window.prompt() methods open modal dialogs for notifying the user, asking for confirmation, or entering text.
  • Alternative style sheets: The rel="alternate stylesheet" attribute for the <link> HTML element offers an alternative style option to users.
  • arguments.callee: The callee property of the arguments variable in a non-strict function body's local scope is the function that arguments belongs to.
  • Array (initial support): Arrays are ordered lists of JavaScript values.
  • Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array.
  • Array iteration methods: Array iteration methods
  • Array splice(): The array splice() method changes an array in-place. You can use it to delete items, overwrite items, or insert items, starting from an index.
  • <article>: The <article> element represents self-contained content, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, such as a comment, a blog post, or news article.
  • <aside>: The <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content.
  • attr() (content only): The attr() CSS function, in content property declarations, sets a ::before or ::after pseudo-element's content to the value of the specified HTML attribute.
  • <audio>: The <audio> element plays sound such as audio effects or music, optionally with controls provided by the browser.
  • Autofocus: The autofocus HTML attribute gives focus to an element on page load.
  • <b>: The <b> HTML element draws reader's attention to text, styling text as bold by default.
  • background: The background CSS property is a shorthand that sets several background properties at once.
  • background-color: The background-color CSS property sets the fill color of an element, behind any content and background images or gradients.
  • background-image: The background-image CSS property sets the graphics to display behind the content of an element and in front of the background color. Graphics may be any combination of images or gradients.
  • BarProp: The visible property of the window.locationbar, window.menubar, window.personalbar, window.scrollbars, window.statusbar, and window.toolbar APIs historically represented the visibility of a browser user interface. For privacy reasons, it now represents whether the window is a pop-up.
  • <base>: The <base> element sets the base URL (the URL that relative URLs are relative to) for all relative URLs in the document.
  • Base64 encoding and decoding: The atob() and btoa() global functions encode and decode strings to and from base 64, respectively.
  • ::before and ::after: The ::before and ::after CSS pseudo-elements select inline boxes preceding and following an element. They are often used with the content property to generate cosmetic content.
  • Beforeunload: The beforeunload event is fired when the current window is about to be unloaded. Typically this is used to display a dialog to confirm if users really want to leave the page when there is unsaved data that would be lost.
  • <blockquote>: The <blockquote> element represents an extended quotation, styling contents as an indented block by default.
  • <body>: The <body> element represents the content of an HTML document.
  • border-radius: The border-radius CSS property rounds the corners of the border drawn around an element.
  • box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects.
  • <br>: The <br> element produces line breaks in text.
  • <button>: The <button> HTML element represents a button that triggers some action, such as submitting a form or opening a dialog, styled as a labeled rectangular box by default.
  • <canvas>: The <canvas> HTML element is a space to draw graphics in, using the 2D canvas API, WebGL, or WebGPU.
  • 2D canvas: The CanvasRenderingContext2D API is the "2d" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a flat, two-dimensional space for drawing graphics and animations.
  • ch unit: The ch CSS length unit is a font-relative length based on the width of the zero (0) character.
  • Change event: The change event for <input>, <select>, and <textarea> elements fires when the user modifies the element's value. Unlike the input event, the change event does not necessarily fire on every alteration to an element's value.
  • @charset: The @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding of an external style sheet.
  • <cite>: The <cite> element represents the title of a quoted, referenced, or mentioned creative work, such as a film or book.
  • <code>: The <code> element displays its contents as a fragment of computer code.
  • Color: The color CSS property sets the primary foreground color of an element, which is used for text, the default border color, and text decorations.
  • Console: The console API logs debugging messages to the browser development tools' console.
  • Content: The content CSS property sets the content inside of an element or pseudo-element, replacing the current value. It's often used with the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements to generate cosmetic content.
  • Contenteditable: The contenteditable global HTML attribute allows the user to edit the content of an element, such as inserting or deleting text.
  • cookieEnabled: The navigator.cookieEnabled property returns a Boolean value for whether the browser accepts or ignores attempts to write cookie data.
  • Cookies: The Set-Cookie HTTP header stores limited amounts of data that persist across request and response, creating shared state between the browser and server.
  • CORS: Cross-Origin Resource Sharing is an HTTP-header based mechanism that allows a server to indicate any origins (domain, scheme, or port) other than its own from which a browser should permit loading resources. Also known as CORS.
  • cubic-bezier() easing: The cubic-bezier() CSS easing function interpolates along a smooth curve, creating animations and transitions with continuous changes in speed. The ease, ease-in, ease-out, and ease-in-out keyword values are presets for common Bézier curves.
  • currentColor: The currentColor CSS value allows you to reuse an element's computed text color for other properties.
  • Data URLs: Data URLs are URLs that start with the data: scheme and which directly contain data rather than point to remote resources.
  • Date: The Date object represents a single moment in time.
  • getYear() and setYear(): The getYear() and setYear() methods of Date objects get and set the year as an offset to 1900.
  • toGMTString(): The toGMTString() method of Date objects is an alias to the toUTCString() method.
  • :default: The :default CSS pseudo-class matches the default element in a group of related form controls, such as checkboxes and radio buttons with the checked attribute.
  • <del>: The <del> element element represents a range of text that has been deleted from a document, styling text as strikethrough by default.
  • Description list: The <dl>, <dt>, and <dd> HTML elements represent a list of terms and their associated descriptions. Use a description list to create glossaries or similar list of key-value pairs.
  • Device media queries: The device-aspect-ratio, device-height, and device-width media features describe physical properties of the displaying output device.
  • <dfn>: The <dfn> element marks a term to be defined, styling text as italic by default.
  • Display: The display CSS property sets the display behavior of an element's box within its layout and sets the layout behavior for its child elements.
  • display: list-item: The display: list-item CSS declaration renders an element with the box layout of a <li> HTML element.
  • display: table: The display: table CSS declaration renders an element with the box layout of a <table> HTML element. Child elements may use equivalents to <table> internal elements such as display: table-row for <tr>.
  • <div>: The <div> HTML element is the generic container for content.
  • DOM: The DOM (Document Object Model) API represents HTML and XML documents as trees of nodes. You can use the API to inspect and modify the structure and content of a document.
  • dominant-baseline: The dominant-baseline CSS property sets the specific baseline used to align an elements's text and inline-level contents.
  • Drag and Drop: The Drag and Drop API lets users drag and drop elements and external files such as images onto web pages. Developers can customize which elements can become draggable, the type of feedback the draggable elements produce, and the droppable elements.
  • <em>: The <em> HTML element emphasizes or stresses the content, styling text as italic by default.
  • em unit: The em CSS length unit is a font-relative length equal to the specified font size. In an element with a 2 inch font, 1em equals 2 inches.
  • <embed>: The <embed> element represents an external resource such as a PDF or SVG document. It was historically used for plugins such as Shockwave Flash.
  • :empty: The :empty CSS pseudo-class matches elements without child elements.
  • escape() and unescape(): The escape() and unescape() built-in Javascript methods encode and unencode strings using percent encoding, where certain characters are replaced by hexadecimal escape sequences.
  • Events: The Event API and the addEventListener() method on objects that receive events (event targets) represent and handle significant things happening on a page. Many APIs fire events for a wide range of situations relating to those APIs, such as an image loading, a user clicking, or a value changing.
  • ex unit: The ex CSS length unit is a font-relative length equal to the used x-height of the first available font. X-height is often equal to the height of the lowercase x.
  • window.external: The window.external.AddSearchProvider() and window.external.IsSearchProviderInstalled() do nothing. Historically, they added external search providers to the browser.
  • <fieldset> and <legend>: The <fieldset> and <legend> elements group several form control elements within a web form.
  • <figure> and <figcaption>: The <figure> and <figcaption> HTML elements represent an illustration, diagram, text, or other self-contained reference content, with an optional caption.
  • ::first-letter: The ::first-letter CSS pseudo-element selects the first letter in an element for styling.
  • ::first-line: The ::first-line CSS pseudo-element selects the first line of text in an element for styling.
  • Fixed positioning: The position: fixed CSS declaration removes an element from the normal flow and positions it relative to the viewport or page.
  • float and clear: The float CSS property aligns an element to either side of its container, allowing text and inline elements to flow around it. The clear CSS property sets whether an element is moved below floating elements that proceed it.
  • font-family: The font-family CSS property sets the desired font face for text, along with optional fallback font faces.
  • Font shorthand: The font CSS property shorthand sets multiple font properties, including style, weight, size, and font family.
  • font-size: The font-size CSS property sets the text height.
  • font-style: The font-style CSS property sets the text style, with normal, italic, and oblique options.
  • font-variant: The font-variant CSS property is a shorthand for font-variant-alternates, font-variant-caps, font-variant-east-asian, font-variant-emoji, font-variant-ligatures, font-variant-numeric, and font-variant-position.
  • font-weight: The font-weight CSS property controls the thickness of a font. It is set explicitly with the keyword bold or a number, or relative to the inherited thickness with the keywords bolder or lighter.
  • <form>: The <form> element contains interactive controls for submitting information.
  • Form validity pseudo-classes: The form validity CSS pseudo-classes match <form> elements based on the constraints of a form field, such as validity (:valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range) and necessity (:optional or :required).
  • Functions: Functions are series of statements that can be called and return a value. The function keyword (as in function () { }) and arrow (=>) expression create functions. The JavaScript functions protocol includes default and rest parameters and binding to this.
  • Function caller and arguments: The caller and arguments properties of a non-strict mode Function object are the function that called it and the arguments it was called with. Not to be confused with the arguments variable in a function body's local scope.
  • Geolocation: The navigator.gelocation API requests the user's latitude, longitude, heading, and speed.
  • getComputedStyle(): The getComputedStyle() global method returns an CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents all CSS declarations applied to a given element.
  • Gradients: The linear-gradient() and radial-gradient() CSS functions and their repeating counterparts create backgrounds that progress smoothly between multiple colors.
  • <head>: The <head> element contains machine-readable information (metadata) about the document, such as the title, <script> and <style> elements, and <meta> elements.
  • <header> and <footer>: The <header> and <footer> HTML elements represent content that precedes and follows the main page content, respectively.
  • <h1> through <h6>: The <h1> through <h6> HTML elements represent six levels of section headings, in order of decreasing importance.
  • <hgroup>: The <hgroup> element represents a heading and related content.
  • History: The window.history API manipulates the browser session history, from navigations to state management, in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in.
  • <hr>: The <hr> element represents a thematic break between paragraphs, often shown as a horizontal rule.
  • HTTP Strict Transport Security: The Strict-Transport-Security HTTP response header informs browsers that the site should only be accessed using HTTPS, and that any future attempts to access it using HTTP should automatically be converted to HTTPS. Also known as HSTS.
  • <html>: The <html> element represents the top-level of an HTML document and is referred to as the root element.
  • HTML wrapper methods: JavaScript built-in methods such as, String.bold() and String.italics(), wrap strings in (often historic) HTML.
  • HTTP authentication: The Authorization and WWW-Authenticate headers authenticate a user with a server.
  • HTTP/1.1: HTTP/1.1 is a network protocol used by browsers and servers. It has been superseded by HTTP/2 and HTTP/3.
  • <i>: The <i> HTML element identifies idiomatic content, styling text as italic by default.
  • <iframe>: The <iframe> element embeds another HTML page into the current page.
  • Image maps: The <area> and <map> elements define a clickable area on an image.
  • ime-mode: The ime-mode CSS property sets the state of the input method editor for text fields.
  • <img>: The <img> element adds an image into the document.
  • @import: The @import CSS at-rule loads styles from another stylesheet.
  • inherit: The inherit keyword resets any CSS property to the computed value of that property from the parent element.
  • <input>: The <input type="text"> HTML element allows the user to enter information into a form. By default, an <input> element is a text input.
  • <input type="button">: The <input type="button"> HTML element represents a button that triggers some action, such as submitting a form or opening a dialog, styled as a labeled rectangular box by default. Not to be confused with the <button> element, which contains HTML content.
  • <input type="checkbox">: The <input type="checkbox"> HTML element represents a tickable box with two states, checked and unchecked.
  • Email, telephone, and URL <input> types: The <input type="email">, <input type="tel">, and <input type="url"> HTML elements represent email address, telephone number, and URL fields in a form.
  • <input type="file">: The <input type="file"> HTML element shows a file picker from which users can choose a file to upload with the form.
  • <input type="hidden">: The <input type="hidden"> HTML element represents a form field that is not shown visually but is still included in the form submission.
  • <input type="image">: The <input type="image"> HTML element is an image that can be used to submit a form, like the <input type="submit"> element.
  • <input type="password">: The <input type="password"> HTML element represents a field for users to enter a password. The password is hidden from view, typically replaced by dots or asterisks.
  • <input type="radio">: The <input type="radio"> HTML element represents one button in a group such that only one can be chosen at a time.
  • <input type="reset">: The <input type="reset"> HTML element represents a button that sets all form fields to their initial values.
  • Input selectors: The :checked, :disabled, and :enabled CSS pseudo-classes match form elements based on their state.
  • <input type="submit">: The <input type="submit"> HTML element represents a button that triggers an action on its associated <form>, such as sending the form data to a server.
  • <ins>: The <ins> element element represents a range of text that has been inserted into a document, styling text as underlined by default.
  • JavaScript (initial core language support): JavaScript is a programming language that runs in browsers, usually through the <script> element. JavaScript has changed over many years. This feature represents the oldest language features, such as built-in objects, statements, and operators. Also known as ECMAScript.
  • JSON: The JSON API provides static methods for parsing values from and converting values to JavaScript Object Notation (JSON), a serialization format for objects, arrays, numbers, strings, Boolean values, and null.
  • <kbd>: The <kbd> element represents textual user input, such as keyboard or voice input, styling text in monospaced type by default.
  • <label>: The <label> HTML element represents a caption for a form field.
  • :lang(): The :lang() CSS functional pseudo-class matches elements based on their content language.
  • Lang: The lang global HTML attribute defines the language of an element. It's used by assistive technology to correctly read the content, translation tools to select the origin language, and other applications.
  • Language: The navigator.language read-only property returns a string representing the preferred language of the user, usually the language of the browser UI. The navigator.languages read-only property returns an array of strings representing the user's preferred languages.
  • letter-spacing: The letter-spacing CSS property controls the amount of space between each letter in an element or block of text.
  • line-height: The line-height CSS property sets the spacing between text baselines, oriented to the horizontal or vertical writing mode.
  • <link>: The <link> element creates a relationship between the current document and an external resource, such as a stylesheet or favicon.
  • <ol>, <ul>, and <li>: The <ol>, <ul>, and <li> HTML elements represent ordered and unordered lists.
  • List style: The list-style shorthand CSS property and the list-style-image, list-style-position, and list-style-type longhand properties set the position and appearance of a list item's marker.
  • Location: The location global object represents the current page's address. You can use it to get the parts of the address (such as location.hostname or location.pathname) or navigate to another URL.
  • margin: The margin CSS property sets space around an element. It is a shorthand for margin-top, margin-right, margin-bottom, and margin-left.
  • <mark>: The <mark> element represents text which is marked or highlighted for reference or notation purposes.
  • MathML: MathML, or the Mathematical Markup Language, describes mathematical notation, such as expressions and formulas. Also known as MathML Core.
  • Media queries: The @media CSS rule conditionally applies styles based on the output device type, its capabilities, and the user's preferences. Media queries are composed of an optional media type such as screen or print, and one or more mandatory media features, such as prefers-reduced-animations.
  • <menu>: The <menu> element represents an unordered list of action items (<li>), such as a toolbar. It is a semantic alternative to the <ul> element.
  • <meta>: The <meta> element represents metadata about the page used by the browser or search engines, including description, keywords, and character sets.
  • Min and max width and height: The min-width, min-height, max-width, and max-height CSS properties set the minimum and maximum size of an element.
  • Mouse events: Mouse events, such as click, mousedown, or mousemove, fire when users interact with an input or pointing device such as a mouse, trackpad, or touchscreen.
  • Mutation events: Mutation events like DOMSubtreeModified, DOMNodeInserted, or DOMNodeRemoved fire when DOM changes occur.
  • Named colors: Some CSS color values can be referenced by name, such as red or limegreen. They stand in for specific RGB color values.
  • @namespace: The @namespace CSS rule sets a default namespace or namespace prefix. Namespace prefixes allow CSS selectors to distinguish elements with the same name but different document types, such as the HTML <a> element and the SVG <a> element.
  • <nav>: The <nav> element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents.
  • Navigator: The window.navigator API is a generic global object, under which many other, more interesting APIs are located. It doesn't do anything interesting on its own.
  • :nth-child(): The :nth-child() and :nth-last-child() CSS functional pseudo-classes match elements based on their index within a list of elements. The :first-child and :last-child pseudo-classes match the first and last element in a list, and the :only-child pseudo-class matches an element with no siblings.
  • :nth-of-type() pseudo-classes: The :nth-of-type() and :nth-last-of-type() CSS functional pseudo-classes match elements based on their position among siblings of the same type. The :first-of-type, :last-of-type, and :only-of-type pseudo-classes match the first, last, and only elements of its type.
  • Math and numbers: The number type (and Number object) represents floating-point numbers, such as 42 or -4.201, while the Math API contains mathematical functions and constants. JavaScript can also represent boundless negative and positive values as Infinity or not-a-number as NaN (as in 0 * Infinity).
  • <object>: The <object> element represents an external resource such as a PDF or SVG document. It was historically used for plugins such as Shockwave Flash.
  • Object: Objects in JavaScript are collections of key-value pairs.
  • Online status: The navigator.onLine property returns a Boolean for whether the browser is connected to some network (though not necessarily the internet). The online and offline events fire when the connection state changes.
  • opacity: The opacity CSS property sets the transparency of an element.
  • Opacity (SVG): The fill-opacity, and stroke-opacity SVG attributes and CSS properties control the transparency of a stroke or fill of an SVG element.
  • Outlines: The outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width and outline-offset CSS properties style a line around an element, outside of the border.
  • <output>: The <output> element represents the result of a calculation, user action, or form entry.
  • <p>: The <p> element represents a paragraph of text.
  • padding: The padding CSS property sets space between an element's edge and its contents. It is a shorthand for padding-top, padding-right, padding-bottom, and padding-left.
  • Page transition events: The pageshow and pagehide transition events fire when a document loads or unloads due to a navigation, such as clicking on a link on a page or the back button in a browser.
  • Physical properties: The physical CSS properties, top, right, bottom, and left, set the inset position of an element relative to the corresponding side of a container determined by the element's position property.
  • pointer-events: The pointer-events CSS property sets whether a user can interact with an element using a mouse, touch, or other pointing input device.
  • Position: The position CSS property sets the origin position of an element to an element, the element's scrollport, or the viewport.
  • postMessage: The postMessage() global method sends cross-origin messages to windows and workers, including popups and iframes. Also known as cross-document messaging.
  • <pre>: The <pre> element represents a block element of preformatted text that is presented exactly as written, including all white space.
  • __proto__: The __proto__ property of objects partially exposes the prototype of an object.
  • <q>: The <q> element represents a short inline quotation.
  • Regular expressions: The RegExp object represents a regular expression, a notation for matching text patterns.
  • RegExp compile(): The compile() method of RegExp objects recompiles an existing regular expression object using a new pattern and flags.
  • RegExp static properties: The RegExp object has several static properties to access the input and results of the most-recent regular expression match.
  • registerProtocolHandler: The navigator.registerProtocolHandler() method declares a site's ability to handle an address scheme (also known as a protocol). For example, an email site can register to open mailto: URLs or a VoIP site to open tel: URLs.
  • Relative positioning: The position: relative CSS declaration offsets the position of an element relative to its position in the normal flow.
  • rem: The rem CSS length unit is a font-relative length that is equal to the font size of the root HTML element which for most browsers is 16px.
  • :root: The :root pseudo-class matches the root element of the document, usually the <html> element.
  • <s>: The <s> HTML element indicates text that is no longer relevant or accurate, styling text as strikethrough by default.
  • <samp>: The <samp> element represents a sample or quoted output from a computer program. Styled in a monospace font by default.
  • Screen: The window.screen property contains information about the screen of the output device that the referenced window is being rendered on.
  • <script> and <noscript>: The <script> element contains or loads data or executable code. This is typically used to load JavaScript code. The <noscript> element represents alternative content to show when scripting is not allowed.
  • <input type="search">: The <input type="search"> HTML element represents a text field for search queries.
  • <section>: The <section> element is a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it.
  • <select>: The <select> element provides a menu of options for a user to pick from, typically rendered as a dropdown list.
  • Selectors (core): CSS selectors match elements based on their type, attributes, and relationship to other elements. They define the specific elements to which a block of styles will be applied. This feature represents the oldest selectors of CSS.
  • setInterval: The setInterval() global function repeatedly executes provided code on a given delay, and the accompanying clearInterval() cancels the interval.
  • setTimeout: The setTimeout() global function executes provided code after a given duration of time, and the accompanying clearTimeout() cancels the timer.
  • <small>: The <small> element represents side-comments and small print, like copyright and legal text, independent of its styled presentation. Styled in a reduced font size by default.
  • SMIL SVG animations: The <animate>, <animateMotion>, and <animateTransform> SVG elements declaratively animate SVG elements. Also known as SMIL.
  • <source>: The <source> element sets a media resource for the <picture>, <video>, and <audio> elements.
  • <span>: The <span> HTML element is the generic inline container for content.
  • Stable array sort: Stable array sort() function
  • Static positioning: The position: static CSS declaration positions an element in the normal flow. A statically positioned element ignores physical and logical properties such as top or inset-block-start.
  • String (initial support): The string type (and String object) represents a sequence of characters.
  • <strong>: The <strong> HTML element brings attention to the content, styling text as bold by default.
  • <style>: The <style> element embeds an inline CSS stylesheet in a document.
  • style (attribute): The style global HTML attribute applies inline CSS styling declarations to individual elements.
  • <sub> and <sup>: The <sub> and <sup> elements sets inline text to be displayed as subscript or superscript for solely typographical reasons.
  • SVG: The SVG image format, represented by the <svg> element, creates two-dimensional vector graphics with declarative or scripted interaction and animation.
  • SVG filters: The <filter> SVG element applies custom effects such as color manipulation, blurring, or morphing to SVG elements.
  • System colors: The system color CSS keywords, such as ButtonBorder or LinkText, allow you to match default colors from the user agent.
  • tabindex: The tabindex HTML attribute make an element focusable, and sets the element's relative ordering for sequential focus navigation.
  • Tables: The <table> HTML element, with several related elements, represents tabular data in rows and columns of cells.
  • :target: The :target CSS pseudo-class matches the element with an ID matching the URL fragment.
  • text-align: The text-align CSS property sets the horizontal placement of the inner content of a block element.
  • text-decoration: The text-decoration CSS property sets the style and color of decorative lines including underline, overline, line-through, or a combination of lines.
  • text-indent: The text-indent CSS property sets the size of the empty space (indentation) at the beginning of lines in a text.
  • text-shadow: The text-shadow CSS property sets the position and styles of shadow on text.
  • text-transform: The text-transform CSS property sets text case and capitalization.
  • <textarea>: The <textarea> element represents an editing control that allows users to enter multi-line, free-form, plain text.
  • <title>: The <title> element sets the title of the document and exposes it to users via the UI of the browser or app they're using and through assistive technology.
  • title (attribute): The title global HTML attribute sets information about an element, such as a name or description. The value is typically shown as a tooltip that appears on mouse over. Since it's not often available to touch-only, keyboard-only, or assistive technology users, it's not a substitute for other text.
  • Typed arrays (initial support): Typed arrays are ordered lists of JavaScript values, where all values are of the same numerical type, such as 8-bit integers or 32-bit floating point numbers.
  • <u>: The <u> HTML element makes non-textual annotations, styling text as underlined by default.
  • User action pseudo-classes: The :active, :focus, and :hover CSS pseudo-classes match elements based on how users are interacting with them.
  • User agent sniffing: The navigator.userAgent read-only property returns the user agent string for the current browser. Selectively showing content based on the user agent string is unreliable. Consider using feature detection instead.
  • <var>: The <var> element represents the name of a variable in a mathematical expression or a programming context.
  • vertical-align: The vertical-align CSS property sets the vertical alignment of inline, inline-block, and table cell elements. It has no effect on block-level elements.
  • <video>: The <video> element plays videos or movies, optionally with controls provided by the browser.
  • visibility: The visibility CSS property sets whether an element is shown. Invisible elements still affect the document layout.
  • <wbr>: The <wbr> HTML element represents a word break opportunity, to explicitly mark a place within a word where a line might be broken.
  • WebGL: The WebGLRenderingContext API is the "webgl" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a space for drawing two- and three-dimensional graphics and animations.
  • white-space: The white-space CSS property sets how white space is collapsed and how lines wrap. It is a shorthand for white-space-collapse and text-wrap-mode.
  • Width and height: The width and height CSS properties set the preferred physical size of an element.
  • Window: The window global object represents a browser tab or iframe and its relationship to the document and other tabs. It's also a generic global object, under which many other APIs are located.
  • word-spacing: The word-spacing CSS property sets the amount of white space between words.
  • XMLHttpRequest: The XMLHttpRequest API makes HTTP requests. It's the predecessor to fetch(). Also known as XHR.
  • XMLSerializer: The XMLSerializer API provides the serializeToString() method to construct an XML string representing a DOM tree.
  • XPath: The document.evaluate() method selects elements in an HTML or XML document based on an expression of XPath, a domain specific language for querying XML documents. Also known as XML Path Language.
  • XSLT: The XSLTProcessor API transforms XML documents into new XML or HTML documents, using XSLT stylesheets. You can use XSLT to convert data between different XML schemas or to convert XML data into web pages or PDF documents. Also known as Extensible Stylesheet Language Transformations.
  • z-index: The z-index CSS property orders overlapping elements, with higher values appearing in front of or on top of lower values.