Web platform features explorer

📃 March 2025 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • contenteditable="plaintext-only": The contenteditable="plaintext-only" global HTML attribute allows the user to edit the content of an element, but prevents rich-text formatting.
  • Intl.DurationFormat: The Intl.DurationFormat API creates a locale-aware formatter that turns an object representing a duration (such as days, hours, and minutes) into a string.

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • :modal: The :modal pseudo-class selects elements that put other elements into a non-interactive state, such as a fullscreen element or a <dialog> element used with showModal().

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • :has-slotted: The :has-slotted CSS pseudo-class matches <slot> elements where the fallback content is not shown. The pseudo-class matches any slotted content, including white space, text nodes, or elements.
  • Error.isError(): The Error.isError() static method checks whether a value is an Error object.
  • <meta name="application-title">: The name="application-title" attribute for the <meta> HTML element sets an installed web application's title bar text.
  • Shared storage locks: The withLock option to set(), append(), delete(), clear(), and batchUpdate() methods of the sharedStorage API prevents duplicate reporting from cross-site race conditions.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • :has-slotted: The :has-slotted CSS pseudo-class matches <slot> elements where the fallback content is not shown. The pseudo-class matches any slotted content, including white space, text nodes, or elements.
  • Error.isError(): The Error.isError() static method checks whether a value is an Error object.
  • <meta name="application-title">: The name="application-title" attribute for the <meta> HTML element sets an installed web application's title bar text.
  • Shared storage locks: The withLock option to set(), append(), delete(), clear(), and batchUpdate() methods of the sharedStorage API prevents duplicate reporting from cross-site race conditions.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • :has-slotted: The :has-slotted CSS pseudo-class matches <slot> elements where the fallback content is not shown. The pseudo-class matches any slotted content, including white space, text nodes, or elements.
  • Error.isError(): The Error.isError() static method checks whether a value is an Error object.
  • <meta name="application-title">: The name="application-title" attribute for the <meta> HTML element sets an installed web application's title bar text.
  • Shared storage locks: The withLock option to set(), append(), delete(), clear(), and batchUpdate() methods of the sharedStorage API prevents duplicate reporting from cross-site race conditions.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Autocorrect: The autocorrect global HTML attribute controls whether to automatically correct spelling or punctuation errors for user input.
  • :has-slotted: The :has-slotted CSS pseudo-class matches <slot> elements where the fallback content is not shown. The pseudo-class matches any slotted content, including white space, text nodes, or elements.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Autocorrect: The autocorrect global HTML attribute controls whether to automatically correct spelling or punctuation errors for user input.
  • :has-slotted: The :has-slotted CSS pseudo-class matches <slot> elements where the fallback content is not shown. The pseudo-class matches any slotted content, including white space, text nodes, or elements.