Web platform features explorer

📃 May 2009 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • <abbr>: The <abbr> HTML element represents an abbreviation or acronym.
  • attr() (content only): The attr() CSS function, in content property declarations, sets a ::before or ::after pseudo-element's content to the value of the specified HTML attribute.
  • @charset: The @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding of an external style sheet.
  • Counters (CSS): The counter-reset and counter-increment CSS properties and the counter() and counters() functions automatically number headings or ordered list items.
  • font-weight: The font-weight CSS property controls the thickness of a font. It is set explicitly with the keyword bold or a number, or relative to the inherited thickness with the keywords bolder or lighter.
  • <input type="file">: The <input type="file"> HTML element shows a file picker from which users can choose a file to upload with the form.
  • Online status: The navigator.onLine property returns a Boolean for whether the browser is connected to some network (though not necessarily the internet). The online and offline events fire when the connection state changes.
  • pointer-events: The pointer-events CSS property sets whether a user can interact with an element using a mouse, touch, or other pointing input device.
  • postMessage: The postMessage() global method sends cross-origin messages to windows and workers, including popups and iframes. Also known as cross-document messaging.
  • @supports (compatibility prefix): The @supports (-webkit-transform-3d) CSS media query is a standardized compatibility alternative to @supports (transform-style).
  • text-shadow: The text-shadow CSS property sets the position and styles of shadow on text.