Web platform features explorer

📃 May 2010 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • <article>: The <article> element represents self-contained content, which is intended to be independently distributable or reusable, such as a comment, a blog post, or news article.
  • <aside>: The <aside> element represents a portion of a document whose content is only indirectly related to the document's main content.
  • Geolocation: The navigator.gelocation API requests the user's latitude, longitude, heading, and speed.
  • <header> and <footer>: The <header> and <footer> HTML elements represent content that precedes and follows the main page content, respectively.
  • <hgroup>: The <hgroup> element represents a heading and related content.
  • History: The window.history API manipulates the browser session history, from navigations to state management, in the tab or frame that the current page is loaded in.
  • Sandboxed iframes: The sandbox attribute for the <iframe> HTML element sets many security restrictions on the iframe, such as preventing form submissions or opening modal dialogs. Optional allow- values relax specific restrictions.
  • Email, telephone, and URL <input> types: The <input type="email">, <input type="tel">, and <input type="url"> HTML elements represent email address, telephone number, and URL fields in a form.
  • JavaScript (initial core language support): JavaScript is a programming language that runs in browsers, usually through the <script> element. JavaScript has changed over many years. This feature represents the oldest language features, such as built-in objects, statements, and operators. Also known as ECMAScript.
  • <nav>: The <nav> element represents a section of a page whose purpose is to provide navigation links, either within the current document or to other documents.
  • <ruby>: The <ruby> element produces small annotations that are rendered with its base text.
  • <input type="search">: The <input type="search"> HTML element represents a text field for search queries.
  • <section>: The <section> element is a generic standalone section of a document, which doesn't have a more specific semantic element to represent it.
  • SVG filters: The <filter> SVG element applies custom effects such as color manipulation, blurring, or morphing to SVG elements.
  • WebSockets: The WebSocket API opens a two-way communication channel between the user's browser and a server.