Web platform features explorer

📃 May 2019 release notes

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • EXT_float_blend WebGL extension: The EXT_float_blend extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds 32-bit floating-point components to blending and draw buffers.
  • Hashbang comments: The #! comment at the absolute start of a script or module is treated as a normal comment and is ignored by the JavaScript engine.
  • prefers-color-scheme media query: The prefers-color-scheme CSS media query sets styles based on the requested color scheme, light or dark.
  • revert: The revert CSS keyword resets any property to its previous default, provided by either the user or browser stylesheets. For example, setting display: revert on a <div> will likely result in display: block, the browser default style. This is often confused with initial.
  • String matchAll(): The matchAll() method of strings matches a string against a regular expression and returns an iterator of all results, including capturing groups.
  • word-break: break-word: The word-break: break-word CSS declaration sets word breaks to occur according to their customary rules. Superseded by overflow-wrap: anywhere.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • EXT_float_blend WebGL extension: The EXT_float_blend extension for WebGL 1.0 and 2.0 contexts adds 32-bit floating-point components to blending and draw buffers.
  • Hashbang comments: The #! comment at the absolute start of a script or module is treated as a normal comment and is ignored by the JavaScript engine.
  • prefers-color-scheme media query: The prefers-color-scheme CSS media query sets styles based on the requested color scheme, light or dark.
  • revert: The revert CSS keyword resets any property to its previous default, provided by either the user or browser stylesheets. For example, setting display: revert on a <div> will likely result in display: block, the browser default style. This is often confused with initial.
  • String matchAll(): The matchAll() method of strings matches a string against a regular expression and returns an iterator of all results, including capturing groups.
  • word-break: break-word: The word-break: break-word CSS declaration sets word breaks to occur according to their customary rules. Superseded by overflow-wrap: anywhere.