Web platform features explorer

📃 November 2005 release notes

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • ::before and ::after: The ::before and ::after CSS pseudo-elements select inline boxes preceding and following an element. They are often used with the content property to generate cosmetic content.
  • <canvas>: The <canvas> HTML element is a space to draw graphics in, using the 2D canvas API, WebGL, or WebGPU.
  • 2D canvas: The CanvasRenderingContext2D API is the "2d" rendering context for the <canvas> element. It represents a flat, two-dimensional space for drawing graphics and animations.
  • @charset: The @charset CSS at-rule specifies the character encoding of an external style sheet.
  • currentColor: The currentColor CSS value allows you to reuse an element's computed text color for other properties.
  • <embed>: The <embed> element represents an external resource such as a PDF or SVG document. It was historically used for plugins such as Shockwave Flash.
  • Online status: The navigator.onLine property returns a Boolean for whether the browser is connected to some network (though not necessarily the internet). The online and offline events fire when the connection state changes.
  • Outlines: The outline-color, outline-style, and outline-width and outline-offset CSS properties style a line around an element, outside of the border.
  • Page transition events: The pageshow and pagehide transition events fire when a document loads or unloads due to a navigation, such as clicking on a link on a page or the back button in a browser.
  • tabindex: The tabindex HTML attribute make an element focusable, and sets the element's relative ordering for sequential focus navigation.