Web platform features explorer

📃 November 2016 release notes

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element.
  • Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. They are intended for Document Type Definition (DTD) designers. For HTML documents, you should use the dir global HTML attribute and <bdo> HTML element instead.
  • Link selectors: The :link CSS pseudo-class matches unvisited links, :visited matches visited links, and :any-link matches both.
  • Pointer lock: Provides access to raw mouse movement by locking the target of mouse events to a single element and hiding the mouse cursor.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Border images: The border-image CSS property draws an image around an element.
  • Layout direction override: The unicode-bidi and direction CSS properties override the Unicode layout algorithm. They are intended for Document Type Definition (DTD) designers. For HTML documents, you should use the dir global HTML attribute and <bdo> HTML element instead.
  • Link selectors: The :link CSS pseudo-class matches unvisited links, :visited matches visited links, and :any-link matches both.
  • Pointer lock: Provides access to raw mouse movement by locking the target of mouse events to a single element and hiding the mouse cursor.