Web platform features explorer

📃 November 2017 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • Spellcheck: The spellcheck global HTML attribute sets whether the browser may check an element for spelling errors.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Abortable fetch: If you construct a fetch request with an AbortSignal, you can cancel the request.
  • AbortController and AbortSignal: The AbortController and AbortSignal APIs allow you to cancel an ongoing operation, such as a fetch() request.
  • Async iterators and the for await..of loop: Asynchronous iterator objects, such as those returned by promises or generator functions, are iterable with the for await .. of loop.
  • Date and time <input> types: The <input type="date"> and <input type="time"> HTML elements show date and time pickers.
  • Storage manager: The navigator.storage API provides information about the availability and persistence of the data that a site stores on the device, by using APIs such as the Cache API or the IndexedDB API.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Abortable fetch: If you construct a fetch request with an AbortSignal, you can cancel the request.
  • AbortController and AbortSignal: The AbortController and AbortSignal APIs allow you to cancel an ongoing operation, such as a fetch() request.
  • Async iterators and the for await..of loop: Asynchronous iterator objects, such as those returned by promises or generator functions, are iterable with the for await .. of loop.
  • Date and time <input> types: The <input type="date"> and <input type="time"> HTML elements show date and time pickers.
  • Storage manager: The navigator.storage API provides information about the availability and persistence of the data that a site stores on the device, by using APIs such as the Cache API or the IndexedDB API.