Web platform features explorer

📃 November 2021 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • Enterkeyhint: The enterkeyhint global HTML attribute sets the label for a virtual keyboard's Enter key. For example, enterkeyhint="search" may label the key with a magnifying glass icon.
  • fit-content: The fit-content CSS keyword expands a box as needed to fit its contents until the maximum size is reached, preserving the content's preferred aspect ratio.
  • Reference types (WebAssembly): The externref type can be both a value type and a table element type, while funcref can be a value type.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Protocol handlers: The protocol_handlers web app manifest member registers an installed web app as a handler for a specific protocol. When a user follows a link with the specified protocol, the installed app opens the link.
  • Application shortcuts: The shortcuts web app manifest member registers common actions of an installed web app with the device. The device can present these actions to the user in contextually appropriate locations, such as jump lists on Windows or the app launcher on Android.
  • Eyedropper: The EyeDropper API opens an eyedropper tool, a color picker that allows users to select a color from their screen.
  • prefers-contrast media query: The prefers-contrast CSS media query sets styles based on whether the user prefers more or less contrast, the difference between foreground and background colors.
  • Reporting API: The Reporting-Endpoints HTTP header and ReportingObserver() API send reports of Content Security Policy (CSP) violations, Permissions-Policy violations, deprecated feature usage, browser interventions, and crashes to a nominated URL or callback function.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Protocol handlers: The protocol_handlers web app manifest member registers an installed web app as a handler for a specific protocol. When a user follows a link with the specified protocol, the installed app opens the link.
  • prefers-contrast media query: The prefers-contrast CSS media query sets styles based on whether the user prefers more or less contrast, the difference between foreground and background colors.
  • Reporting API: The Reporting-Endpoints HTTP header and ReportingObserver() API send reports of Content Security Policy (CSP) violations, Permissions-Policy violations, deprecated feature usage, browser interventions, and crashes to a nominated URL or callback function.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • Protocol handlers: The protocol_handlers web app manifest member registers an installed web app as a handler for a specific protocol. When a user follows a link with the specified protocol, the installed app opens the link.
  • Application shortcuts: The shortcuts web app manifest member registers common actions of an installed web app with the device. The device can present these actions to the user in contextually appropriate locations, such as jump lists on Windows or the app launcher on Android.
  • Eyedropper: The EyeDropper API opens an eyedropper tool, a color picker that allows users to select a color from their screen.
  • prefers-contrast media query: The prefers-contrast CSS media query sets styles based on whether the user prefers more or less contrast, the difference between foreground and background colors.
  • Reporting API: The Reporting-Endpoints HTTP header and ReportingObserver() API send reports of Content Security Policy (CSP) violations, Permissions-Policy violations, deprecated feature usage, browser interventions, and crashes to a nominated URL or callback function.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • structuredClone(): The structuredClone() global method creates a deep copy of an object. Values that cannot be cloned can instead be transferred, making the original value no longer usable.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • structuredClone(): The structuredClone() global method creates a deep copy of an object. Values that cannot be cloned can instead be transferred, making the original value no longer usable.