Web platform features explorer

📃 November 2022 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • font-palette: The font-palette CSS property selects a color palette from the font, optionally overriding individual colors in the @font-palette-values at-rule.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • content-visibility: The content-visibility CSS property delays rendering an element, including layout and painting, until it is needed.
  • Origin private file system: The navigator.storage.getDirectory() method returns a FileSystemDirectoryHandle that is restricted to a specific origin and invisible to the user's actual file system for faster file-based applications, such as SQLite databases.
  • Small, large, and dynamic viewport units: The sv*, lv*, and dv* CSS viewport units are relative to the smallest, largest, and current (dynamic) viewport size. They are used to size elements in relation to the viewport's dimensions.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • content-visibility: The content-visibility CSS property delays rendering an element, including layout and painting, until it is needed.
  • Small, large, and dynamic viewport units: The sv*, lv*, and dv* CSS viewport units are relative to the smallest, largest, and current (dynamic) viewport size. They are used to size elements in relation to the viewport's dimensions.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • COLRv1: COLRv1 is a font format that supports multi-color glyphs. COLRv1 extends COLRv0 to support gradients, transforms, and blending modes.
  • contain-intrinsic-size: The contain-intrinsic-size CSS property sets the intrinsic size of an element. When using size containment, the browser will lay out the element as if it had a single child of this size.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • COLRv1: COLRv1 is a font format that supports multi-color glyphs. COLRv1 extends COLRv0 to support gradients, transforms, and blending modes.
  • contain-intrinsic-size: The contain-intrinsic-size CSS property sets the intrinsic size of an element. When using size containment, the browser will lay out the element as if it had a single child of this size.