Web platform features explorer

📃 October 2011 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • <dfn>: The <dfn> element marks a term to be defined, styling text as italic by default.
  • Page setup: The @page CSS at-rule sets the page-specific dimensions and margins for content such as printed documents, ebooks, or slides.

New in Safari on iOS

The following features are now available in Safari on iOS:

  • Array.isArray(): The Array.isArray() static method checks whether a value is an array.
  • background-clip: The background-clip CSS property sets the extent of the background: the padding box, the content box, or the default border box.
  • box-shadow: The box-shadow CSS property applies shadow effects around an element's frame. This can create drop shadow and inner shadow effects.
  • Dataset: The dataset API attaches and accesses custom data on elements, using either the dataset property of HTMLElement or attributes prefixed with data-.
  • :default: The :default CSS pseudo-class matches the default element in a group of related form controls, such as checkboxes and radio buttons with the checked attribute.
  • <figure> and <figcaption>: The <figure> and <figcaption> HTML elements represent an illustration, diagram, text, or other self-contained reference content, with an optional caption.
  • Form validity pseudo-classes: The form validity CSS pseudo-classes match <form> elements based on the constraints of a form field, such as validity (:valid, :invalid, :in-range, :out-of-range) and necessity (:optional or :required).
  • getComputedStyle(): The getComputedStyle() global method returns an CSSStyleDeclaration object that represents all CSS declarations applied to a given element.
  • Date and time <input> types: The <input type="date"> and <input type="time"> HTML elements show date and time pickers.
  • <input type="number">: The <input type="number"> HTML element represents numeric input data.
  • <input type="range">: The <input type="range"> element represents a slider for choosing an inexact value between a minimum and maximum value.
  • <mark>: The <mark> element represents text which is marked or highlighted for reference or notation purposes.
  • matchMedia: The window.matchMedia() method checks whether a media query applies to the document.
  • MathML: MathML, or the Mathematical Markup Language, describes mathematical notation, such as expressions and formulas. Also known as MathML Core.
  • Selection: The Selection API controls and modifies user text selections within the page.
  • Server-sent events: The EventSource API creates a connection to a server and listens to a stream of events sent by the server.
  • setInterval: The setInterval() global function repeatedly executes provided code on a given delay, and the accompanying clearInterval() cancels the interval.
  • setTimeout: The setTimeout() global function executes provided code after a given duration of time, and the accompanying clearTimeout() cancels the timer.
  • User agent sniffing: The navigator.userAgent read-only property returns the user agent string for the current browser. Selectively showing content based on the user agent string is unreliable. Consider using feature detection instead.
  • Web Cryptography: The Web Cryptography API performs low-level cryptographic operations, such as encryption, decryption, and signature verification. Also known as the Web Crypto API.