Web platform features explorer

📃 October 2012 release notes

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules.
  • calc(): The calc() CSS function computes mathematical expressions such a calc(100%/3 - 1em).
  • 2D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 2D transform functions allow rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating an element. Arbitrary 2D transforms are also possible using a transformation matrix.
  • 3D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 3D transform functions allow rotations and other transforms in three dimensions, including perspective transforms.
  • Transitions (CSS): The transition shorthand CSS property sets how changes to an element's styles may occur over time. Transitions can be applied to specific CSS properties, all properties, or none.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Animations (CSS): The animation CSS property animates an element's style over time, using keyframes described in @keyframes rules.
  • calc(): The calc() CSS function computes mathematical expressions such a calc(100%/3 - 1em).
  • 2D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 2D transform functions allow rotating, scaling, skewing, and translating an element. Arbitrary 2D transforms are also possible using a transformation matrix.
  • 3D transforms: The transform CSS property and its 3D transform functions allow rotations and other transforms in three dimensions, including perspective transforms.
  • Transitions (CSS): The transition shorthand CSS property sets how changes to an element's styles may occur over time. Transitions can be applied to specific CSS properties, all properties, or none.