Web platform features explorer

📃 October 2015 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • CSS.escape(): The CSS.escape() static method escapes a string so that it can be used in a valid CSS selector.
  • fit-content: The fit-content CSS keyword expands a box as needed to fit its contents until the maximum size is reached, preserving the content's preferred aspect ratio.
  • <link rel="dns-prefetch">: The rel="dns-prefetch" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another domain, so the browser should preemptively resolve DNS for the href value's domain.
  • <link rel="preconnect">: The rel="preconnect" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another origin, so the browser should preemptively start a connection to the href value's origin.
  • min-content and max-content: The min-content and max-content CSS keywords represent the smallest and largest intrinsic sizes of an element.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • CSS.escape(): The CSS.escape() static method escapes a string so that it can be used in a valid CSS selector.
  • fit-content: The fit-content CSS keyword expands a box as needed to fit its contents until the maximum size is reached, preserving the content's preferred aspect ratio.
  • <link rel="dns-prefetch">: The rel="dns-prefetch" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another domain, so the browser should preemptively resolve DNS for the href value's domain.
  • <link rel="preconnect">: The rel="preconnect" attribute for the <link> HTML element is a hint to the browser that the page or user is likely to request resources from another origin, so the browser should preemptively start a connection to the href value's origin.
  • min-content and max-content: The min-content and max-content CSS keywords represent the smallest and largest intrinsic sizes of an element.