Web platform features explorer

📃 October 2016 release notes

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • Autonomous custom elements: Autonomous custom elements are HTML elements with a hyphenated tag name (like <example-element>) that have behaviors you define.
  • BroadcastChannel: The BroadcastChannel API allows you to send messages between same-origin browsing contexts, such as between the same page loaded in multiple tabs.
  • Host: The :host CSS pseudo-class selects the containing element of the shadow tree in which it is used. The :host() CSS pseudo-class selects the that element only if it matches the provided selector.
  • host-context: The :host-context() CSS pseudo-class selects the containing element of the shadow tree in which it is used if that element or an ancestor matches the provided selector.
  • Resource size: The decodedBodySize, encodedBodySize, and transferSize properties of the PerformanceResourceTiming API reports the size of resources loaded.
  • text-size-adjust: The text-size-adjust CSS property disables or modifies the browser's default text size adjustment for small screen sizes.
  • user-select: The user-select CSS property controls which elements can be selected by the user.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • Autonomous custom elements: Autonomous custom elements are HTML elements with a hyphenated tag name (like <example-element>) that have behaviors you define.
  • BroadcastChannel: The BroadcastChannel API allows you to send messages between same-origin browsing contexts, such as between the same page loaded in multiple tabs.
  • Host: The :host CSS pseudo-class selects the containing element of the shadow tree in which it is used. The :host() CSS pseudo-class selects the that element only if it matches the provided selector.
  • host-context: The :host-context() CSS pseudo-class selects the containing element of the shadow tree in which it is used if that element or an ancestor matches the provided selector.
  • Resource size: The decodedBodySize, encodedBodySize, and transferSize properties of the PerformanceResourceTiming API reports the size of resources loaded.
  • text-size-adjust: The text-size-adjust CSS property disables or modifies the browser's default text size adjustment for small screen sizes.
  • user-select: The user-select CSS property controls which elements can be selected by the user.