Web platform features explorer

📃 October 2024 release notes

Newly available

The following features are newly available:

  • Fetch priority: The fetch() priority option and the fetchPriority HTML attribute give hints to the browser about which requests to do before other requests of the same type.
  • requestVideoFrameCallback(): The requestVideoFrameCallback() method for <video> schedules a function that runs with the next video frame. It is similar to requestAnimationFrame(), but for video.
  • Scroll to text fragment: Text fragments are URL fragments on the form #:~:text=snippet and link to a snippet of text within a page. The browser may scroll, highlight, or otherwise bring that text to the reader's attention.
  • text-wrap-mode: The text-wrap-mode CSS property sets whether lines may wrap with the values wrap and nowrap. It is a longhand property for both white-space and text-wrap.
  • text-wrap: stable: The text-wrap: stable CSS declaration wraps text using the default algorithm, but does not change wrapping on earlier lines while the text is being edited.
  • Color management for WebGL: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGLRenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".
  • Color management for WebGL2: The drawingBufferColorSpace and unpackColorSpace properties of WebGL2RenderingContext sets the color representation for the buffer and imported textures, such as "srgb" or "display-p3".

Widely available

The following features are now widely available:

  • HWB: The hwb() CSS function picks colors using hue, whiteness, and blackness channels.

New in Chrome

The following features are now available in Chrome:

  • box-decoration-break: The box-decoration-break CSS property sets whether box decorations, such as borders or backgrounds, of an element divided across a page, column, or region wraps each fragment or splits across the break.
  • Document picture-in-picture: The document picture-in-picture API creates an always-on-top window from arbitrary HTML content.
  • Intl.Locale info: The getter methods of the Intl.Locale API provide supplemental information about a Unicode locale, such as the locale's calendar (for example, the first day in a week or the weekend start day), writing direction, 12- or 24-hour cycles, and numbering system.
  • text-wrap-style: The text-wrap-style CSS property sets how lines break in text that overflows the container. It can also be set with the text-wrap shorthand.
  • String builtins (WebAssembly): The WebAssembly builtin string functions mirror a subset of the JavaScript String API and adapt it to be efficiently callable without JavaScript glue code.

New in Chrome Android

The following features are now available in Chrome Android:

  • box-decoration-break: The box-decoration-break CSS property sets whether box decorations, such as borders or backgrounds, of an element divided across a page, column, or region wraps each fragment or splits across the break.
  • Intl.Locale info: The getter methods of the Intl.Locale API provide supplemental information about a Unicode locale, such as the locale's calendar (for example, the first day in a week or the weekend start day), writing direction, 12- or 24-hour cycles, and numbering system.
  • text-wrap-style: The text-wrap-style CSS property sets how lines break in text that overflows the container. It can also be set with the text-wrap shorthand.
  • String builtins (WebAssembly): The WebAssembly builtin string functions mirror a subset of the JavaScript String API and adapt it to be efficiently callable without JavaScript glue code.

New in Edge

The following features are now available in Edge:

  • box-decoration-break: The box-decoration-break CSS property sets whether box decorations, such as borders or backgrounds, of an element divided across a page, column, or region wraps each fragment or splits across the break.
  • Document picture-in-picture: The document picture-in-picture API creates an always-on-top window from arbitrary HTML content.
  • Intl.Locale info: The getter methods of the Intl.Locale API provide supplemental information about a Unicode locale, such as the locale's calendar (for example, the first day in a week or the weekend start day), writing direction, 12- or 24-hour cycles, and numbering system.
  • text-wrap-style: The text-wrap-style CSS property sets how lines break in text that overflows the container. It can also be set with the text-wrap shorthand.
  • String builtins (WebAssembly): The WebAssembly builtin string functions mirror a subset of the JavaScript String API and adapt it to be efficiently callable without JavaScript glue code.

New in Firefox

The following features are now available in Firefox:

  • Iterator methods: The Iterator object is an abstract base for objects that implement the iterator protocol. It provides methods common to built-in iterators, such as filter(), find(), map(), and reduce(). You can also use the static method Iterator.from() to convert an existing iterable into an Iterator.
  • ::target-text: The ::target-text pseudo-element allows you to style text highlighted by a URL text fragment such as #:~:text=snippet.
  • Exception references with exnref (WebAssembly): When caught, an exception is reified into an exception reference, a value of the new type exnref.

New in Firefox for Android

The following features are now available in Firefox for Android:

  • Iterator methods: The Iterator object is an abstract base for objects that implement the iterator protocol. It provides methods common to built-in iterators, such as filter(), find(), map(), and reduce(). You can also use the static method Iterator.from() to convert an existing iterable into an Iterator.
  • ::target-text: The ::target-text pseudo-element allows you to style text highlighted by a URL text fragment such as #:~:text=snippet.
  • Exception references with exnref (WebAssembly): When caught, an exception is reified into an exception reference, a value of the new type exnref.