Baseline in the wild
You can find web-features and Baseline data in the places listed below. If you spot somewhere else using Baseline, or are using Baseline on your own site, or to convey compat information in your library, create a pull request to add it to the list.
From browser vendors
Documentation and browser compatibility
Web feature dashboards
- Web platform features explorer, a visualization of the web-features data, with additional data such as MDN documentation, browser vendor positions, or origin trials.
- Web Platform Status, a visualization of the web-features data, together with web platform test results per feature, and additional filtering and sorting options, such as Baseline years.
- Web Platform Features, a visualization of the web-features data with filters and fuzzy search capabilities.
- Microsoft Edge - 2024 web platform top developer needs, a list of web features that developers need, based on data from the Microsoft Edge team.
Articles mentioning Baseline